Undo trong VBA

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Mình thấy trong đó họ viết đầy đủ rồi mà bạn?, có cả code, giải thích lẫn File minh họa, bạn tải về ngâm là hiểu thôi. Nhưng mình thấy họ phải cho dòng mUndoClass.AddAndProcessObject trước mỗi thứ cần lưu và Undo (lần gần nhất) khi muốn thì phải.
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Mình thấy trong đó họ viết đầy đủ rồi mà bạn?, có cả code, giải thích lẫn File minh họa, bạn tải về ngâm là hiểu thôi.
Do trình mình còn yếu và khả năng dịch kém nên không hiểu lắm (có dùng googdich). Nếu được nhờ bạn làm ghi chú giúp mình với. Cảm ơn bạn
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Mình đọc và thấy họ làm như thế này, bạn xem tham khảo thử nhé:
Họ cho 2 cái code này vào 2 ClassModule
Code này họ đặt tên là clsExecAndUndo
' Module    : clsExecAndUndo
' Company   : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
' Author    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Created   : 31-8-2005
' Purpose   : Class module, stores the objects processed and
'             handles the exection of the commands
' Copyright : This code is free for you to use for applications
'             for personal use.
'             It is not allowed to use this for a commercial program,
'             unless you have my consent.
'             If you want to include this code in freeware, make sure you add :

' This code originates from    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Company                      : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
'                                www.jkp-ads.com
Option Explicit

Private mcolUndoObjects As Collection
Private mUndoObject As clsUndoObject

Public Function AddAndProcessObject(oObj As Object, sProperty As String, vValue As Variant) As Boolean
    Set mUndoObject = New clsUndoObject
    With mUndoObject
        Set .ObjectToChange = oObj
        .NewValue = vValue
        .PropertyToChange = sProperty
        mcolUndoObjects.Add mUndoObject
        If .ExecuteCommand = True Then
            AddAndProcessObject = True
            AddAndProcessObject = False
        End If
    End With
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set mcolUndoObjects = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

Public Sub ResetUndo()
    While mcolUndoObjects.Count > 0
        mcolUndoObjects.Remove (1)
    Set mUndoObject = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub UndoAll()
    Dim lCount As Long
    '    On Error Resume Next
    For lCount = mcolUndoObjects.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set mUndoObject = mcolUndoObjects(lCount)
        Set mUndoObject = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub UndoLast()
    Dim lCount As Long
    '    On Error Resume Next
    If mcolUndoObjects.Count >= 1 Then
        Set mUndoObject = mcolUndoObjects(mcolUndoObjects.Count)
        mcolUndoObjects.Remove mcolUndoObjects.Count
        Set mUndoObject = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

Public Function UndoCount() As Long
    UndoCount = mcolUndoObjects.Count
End Function
Và Code này họ đặt tên là clsUndoObject
' Module    : clsUndoObject
' Company   : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
' Author    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Created   : 31-8-2005
' Purpose   : Class module, Contains each object processed and
'             handles the exection of the command and the Undo
' Copyright : This code is free for you to use for applications
'             for personal use.
'             It is not allowed to use this for a commercial program,
'             unless you have my consent.
'             If you want to include this code in freeware, make sure you add :

' This code originates from    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Company                      : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
'                                www.jkp-ads.com
Option Explicit

Private mUndoObject As Object
Private msProperty As String
Private mvNewValue As Variant
Private mvOldValue As Variant

Public Property Let PropertyToChange(sProperty As String)
    msProperty = sProperty
End Property

Public Property Get PropertyToChange() As String
    PropertyToChange = msProperty
End Property

Public Property Set ObjectToChange(oObj As Object)
    Set mUndoObject = oObj
End Property

Public Property Get ObjectToChange() As Object
    Set ObjectToChange = mUndoObject
End Property

Public Property Let NewValue(vValue As Variant)
    mvNewValue = vValue
End Property

Public Property Get NewValue() As Variant
    NewValue = mvNewValue
End Property

Public Property Let OldValue(vValue As Variant)
    mvOldValue = vValue
End Property

Public Property Get OldValue() As Variant
    OldValue = mvOldValue
End Property

Public Function ExecuteCommand() As Boolean
    ExecuteCommand = False
    If mUndoObject Is Nothing Then
    End If
    If mvNewValue = "" Then
    End If
    If msProperty = "" Then
    End If
    If GetOldValue Then
        ExecuteCommand = True
        'Failed to retrieve old value!
    End If
End Function

Private Function GetOldValue() As Boolean
    Dim oTemp As Object
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lProps As Long
    Dim vProps As Variant
    vProps = Split(PropertyToChange, ".")
    lProps = UBound(vProps)
    Set oTemp = ObjectToChange
    For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
        Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
    If TypeOf oTemp Is Range Then
        If LCase(vProps(lProps)) = "value" Then
            vProps(lProps) = "Formula"
        End If
    End If
    OldValue = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbGet)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        GetOldValue = True
        GetOldValue = False
    End If
End Function

Private Function SetNewValue() As Boolean
    Dim oTemp As Object
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lProps As Long
    Dim vProps As Variant
    Dim vResult As Variant
    Set oTemp = ObjectToChange
    vProps = Split(PropertyToChange, ".")
    lProps = UBound(vProps)
    For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
        Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
    If TypeOf oTemp Is Range Then
        If LCase(vProps(lProps)) = "value" Then
            vProps(lProps) = "Formula"
        End If
    End If
    vResult = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbLet, NewValue)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        SetNewValue = True
        SetNewValue = False
    End If
End Function

Public Function UndoChange()
    Dim oTemp As Object
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lProps As Long
    Dim vProps As Variant
    Dim vResult As Variant
    Set oTemp = ObjectToChange
    vProps = Split(PropertyToChange, ".")
    lProps = UBound(vProps)
    For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
        Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
    If TypeOf oTemp Is Range Then
        If LCase(vProps(lProps)) = "value" Then
            vProps(lProps) = "Formula"
        End If
    End If
    vResult = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbLet, OldValue)
    If vResult <> "" Then
        UndoChange = True
        UndoChange = False
    End If
End Function
Họ Khai báo đầu Module
Option Explicit
Dim mUndoClass As clsExecAndUndo
Trước mỗi Sub muốn Undo họ đặt code này đầu Sub
If mUndoClass Is Nothing Then
        Set mUndoClass = New clsExecAndUndo
        'Previous undoset, must be removed
        Set mUndoClass = Nothing
        Set mUndoClass = New clsExecAndUndo
End If
Trước mỗi Dữ liệu thay đổi trong Sheet họ thêm Code này phía trước mỗi dòng code
Khi muốn Undo tất cả thay đổi trong code trước họ dùng Code này
If mUndoClass Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set mUndoClass = Nothing
Khi muốn Undo từng thay đổi trong code trước họ dùng
If mUndoClass Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If mUndoClass.UndoCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Đây là hành động cuối cùng"
    Set mUndoClass = Nothing
End If
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
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Mình đọc và thấy họ làm như thế này, bạn xem tham khảo thử nhé:
Họ cho 2 cái code này vào 2 ClassModule
Code này họ đặt tên là clsExecAndUndo
' Module    : clsExecAndUndo
' Company   : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
' Author    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Created   : 31-8-2005
' Purpose   : Class module, stores the objects processed and
'             handles the exection of the commands
' Copyright : This code is free for you to use for applications
'             for personal use.
'             It is not allowed to use this for a commercial program,
'             unless you have my consent.
'             If you want to include this code in freeware, make sure you add :

' This code originates from    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Company                      : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
'                                www.jkp-ads.com
Option Explicit

Private mcolUndoObjects As Collection
Private mUndoObject As clsUndoObject

Public Function AddAndProcessObject(oObj As Object, sProperty As String, vValue As Variant) As Boolean
    Set mUndoObject = New clsUndoObject
    With mUndoObject
        Set .ObjectToChange = oObj
        .NewValue = vValue
        .PropertyToChange = sProperty
        mcolUndoObjects.Add mUndoObject
        If .ExecuteCommand = True Then
            AddAndProcessObject = True
            AddAndProcessObject = False
        End If
    End With
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set mcolUndoObjects = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

Public Sub ResetUndo()
    While mcolUndoObjects.Count > 0
        mcolUndoObjects.Remove (1)
    Set mUndoObject = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub UndoAll()
    Dim lCount As Long
    '    On Error Resume Next
    For lCount = mcolUndoObjects.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set mUndoObject = mcolUndoObjects(lCount)
        Set mUndoObject = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub UndoLast()
    Dim lCount As Long
    '    On Error Resume Next
    If mcolUndoObjects.Count >= 1 Then
        Set mUndoObject = mcolUndoObjects(mcolUndoObjects.Count)
        mcolUndoObjects.Remove mcolUndoObjects.Count
        Set mUndoObject = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

Public Function UndoCount() As Long
    UndoCount = mcolUndoObjects.Count
End Function
Và Code này họ đặt tên là clsUndoObject
' Module    : clsUndoObject
' Company   : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
' Author    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Created   : 31-8-2005
' Purpose   : Class module, Contains each object processed and
'             handles the exection of the command and the Undo
' Copyright : This code is free for you to use for applications
'             for personal use.
'             It is not allowed to use this for a commercial program,
'             unless you have my consent.
'             If you want to include this code in freeware, make sure you add :

' This code originates from    : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Company                      : JKP Application Development Services (c) 2005
'                                www.jkp-ads.com
Option Explicit

Private mUndoObject As Object
Private msProperty As String
Private mvNewValue As Variant
Private mvOldValue As Variant

Public Property Let PropertyToChange(sProperty As String)
    msProperty = sProperty
End Property

Public Property Get PropertyToChange() As String
    PropertyToChange = msProperty
End Property

Public Property Set ObjectToChange(oObj As Object)
    Set mUndoObject = oObj
End Property

Public Property Get ObjectToChange() As Object
    Set ObjectToChange = mUndoObject
End Property

Public Property Let NewValue(vValue As Variant)
    mvNewValue = vValue
End Property

Public Property Get NewValue() As Variant
    NewValue = mvNewValue
End Property

Public Property Let OldValue(vValue As Variant)
    mvOldValue = vValue
End Property

Public Property Get OldValue() As Variant
    OldValue = mvOldValue
End Property

Public Function ExecuteCommand() As Boolean
    ExecuteCommand = False
    If mUndoObject Is Nothing Then
    End If
    If mvNewValue = "" Then
    End If
    If msProperty = "" Then
    End If
    If GetOldValue Then
        ExecuteCommand = True
        'Failed to retrieve old value!
    End If
End Function

Private Function GetOldValue() As Boolean
    Dim oTemp As Object
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lProps As Long
    Dim vProps As Variant
    vProps = Split(PropertyToChange, ".")
    lProps = UBound(vProps)
    Set oTemp = ObjectToChange
    For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
        Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
    If TypeOf oTemp Is Range Then
        If LCase(vProps(lProps)) = "value" Then
            vProps(lProps) = "Formula"
        End If
    End If
    OldValue = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbGet)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        GetOldValue = True
        GetOldValue = False
    End If
End Function

Private Function SetNewValue() As Boolean
    Dim oTemp As Object
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lProps As Long
    Dim vProps As Variant
    Dim vResult As Variant
    Set oTemp = ObjectToChange
    vProps = Split(PropertyToChange, ".")
    lProps = UBound(vProps)
    For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
        Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
    If TypeOf oTemp Is Range Then
        If LCase(vProps(lProps)) = "value" Then
            vProps(lProps) = "Formula"
        End If
    End If
    vResult = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbLet, NewValue)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        SetNewValue = True
        SetNewValue = False
    End If
End Function

Public Function UndoChange()
    Dim oTemp As Object
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lProps As Long
    Dim vProps As Variant
    Dim vResult As Variant
    Set oTemp = ObjectToChange
    vProps = Split(PropertyToChange, ".")
    lProps = UBound(vProps)
    For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
        Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
    If TypeOf oTemp Is Range Then
        If LCase(vProps(lProps)) = "value" Then
            vProps(lProps) = "Formula"
        End If
    End If
    vResult = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbLet, OldValue)
    If vResult <> "" Then
        UndoChange = True
        UndoChange = False
    End If
End Function
Họ Khai báo đầu Module
Option Explicit
Dim mUndoClass As clsExecAndUndo
Trước mỗi Sub muốn Undo họ đặt code này đầu Sub
If mUndoClass Is Nothing Then
        Set mUndoClass = New clsExecAndUndo
        'Previous undoset, must be removed
        Set mUndoClass = Nothing
        Set mUndoClass = New clsExecAndUndo
End If
Trước mỗi Dữ liệu thay đổi trong Sheet họ thêm Code này phía trước mỗi dòng code
Khi muốn Undo họ dùng Code này
If mUndoClass Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set mUndoClass = Nothing
Cảm ơn bạn. Như vậy dễ hiểu hơn nhiều.
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