Online English Diary (for everyone)

Liên hệ QC
I am watching Brazil and Northerland match. That is great and I hope to Brazil win tonight

I am watching the Brazil and Nertherland football match. That is great and I hope that Brazil would win tonight.


I am watching the football match between Brazil and Netherland.
I don't know how I feel and what I'm thinking about now. It's so bad! I hate this place! I want to go far away from here. I know exactly that no one can help me except I myself. But sometimes it can't be.....
I wish I can cry right now......
Feel alone........
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối bởi điều hành viên:
Sorry tramy, I did not know what happend when you called me. So I got out to smoke!

If I did know, I might have shared what you are feelling, and what you are thinking. Perhaps . . .
I hate myself!
I don't know how I feel and what I'm thinking about now. It's so bad! I hate this place! I want to go far away from here. I know exactly that no one can help me except I myself. But sometimes it can't be.....
I wish I can cry right now......
Feel alone........
I don't care what you thinking, I don't care what you feeling. I am not the one that can share everything with you but I can stay with you for your weeping out. And the most important is I can treat you a couple of grilled chicken legs with chilled beers. @$@!^%&&&%$R
I don't care what you thinking, I don't care what you feeling. I am not the one that can share everything with you but I can stay with you for your weeping out. And the most important is I can treat you a couple of grilled chicken legs with chilled beers. @$@!^%&&&%$R
Thank you! Thank you very much! Suddenly I hate everything. I want to go far away from here. I want to cry now.
Lastly, I have nothing............
Feel lonely...........
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
I miss my family, my mum, my dad.....

Let me go home.....

Suddenly I'd like to see Da Nang bridge at night......

See you next week, Da Nang City.......

Waiting for that day.......
Dear Tramy san!

Today, I very happy to make your acquaintance!
and thanks for chat with me!
I hope next time , i will chat with you more than.
Though i have never seen u but i think you're an interseting girl!
Dear Tramy san!

Today, I very happy to make your acquaintance!
and thanks for chat with me!
I hope next time , i will chat with you more than.
Though i have never seen u but i think you're an interseting girl!

Hi haphuongkid,
Thanks for your praise. But, the fact might not have been like that ;)
Wish you happy Sunday! Nice to talk with you.
Pencil: I'm sorry
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a
mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes
vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do
this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though
one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm
actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you

I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very
inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the
pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their
mistakes. Sometimes along the way, they get hurt, and become smaller /
older, and eventually pass on. Though their children will eventually find
someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for
their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying,
or sad.

All my life, I've been the pencil. And it pains me to see the eraser that
is my parents getting smaller and smaller each day. For I know that one
day, all that I'm left with would be eraser shavings and memories of what
I used to have.

This is to all the parents out there.
This morning, when I signed in Yahoo messenger I received your offline messages. I call these ones are offline messages because we all are invisible, received partner’s messages but don’t want to reply instantly. You sent me the song with title “All out of Love”, what do you want to tell? Is it the lyric also is what thing you want me to understand?
You’re right when you say that I also hurt. Do you know every time I talk to you my tear always drop? You make me realize that we have not smiled together for a long time. However, I am suspicious about your love. I don’t believe in our love before, when you said goodbye, I so hurt but when you came back I didn’t accept you. Until now, when I know I am still loving you and you also want to hold me, I scare of your love. I am scared of your saying in the future, I am also scared of your change, and I am also scared of your blame for my fault in the future... I am scared of anything...
I believe you will be you without me, please understand me. If I come back and love you again, what will people say about me? I make sure that they will blame on me, criticize me... You will love me or you think of their saying? I know it’s not too late when we realize that we’re so wrong. Day by day, we are still heart-broken, but don’t ask me what I am thinking of; I really don’t know what to do now.
I don’t want to take your heart away, don’t want to give your life away. I understand your sadness: I know the feeling of you while seeing my face anywhere, even if you close your eyes, and I also miss you when I am close to my bf but we can’t be together again. I wish I could:
Take your hand to guide you home
Warm your soul
Mend your broken heart
Heal your heart
Your world is not grey, it’s not cold, and you will not be lonely... Believe tomorrow you will be happy because you really love someone and that person is happy. No one can’t be replaced and in your heart I am not the only.
Thanks for your love.

Written for a long time ^^
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Dear ngoinhahoahong,
May I suggest something within your writing?
I am scare of your love. I am scare of your saying in the future, I am also scare of your change, and I also am scare of your blame for my fault in the future... I am scare of anything...
I think we should use scared instead of scare, it must be an adjective there.

Day by day, we still hurt, ...
This sentence is the same, we should use: we are still hurt.

In this situation, I will use "I am sure that ..."

I see the feeling you see my face everywhere, when you close your eyes you also see me,
I suggest:
I know the feeling of you while seeing my face anywhere, even if you close your eyes.

Anyway, your feeling is honest and your writing is very good. Thank you very much.
Dear ngoinhahoahong,
May I suggest something within your writing?
I think we should use scared instead of scare, it must be an adjective there.


This sentence is the same, we should use: we are still hurt.


In this situation, I will use "I am sure that ..."


I suggest:
I know the feeling of you while seeing my face anywhere, even if you close your eyes.

Anyway, your feeling is honest and your writing is very good. Thank you very much.

Well noted with many thanks ^^
I will write as followings:
1. I scare of your love. I scare of your saying in the future, I also scare of your change, and I also scare of your blame for my fault in the future... I scare of anything...
2. We still hurt because "hurt" is a verb.
I know the feeling of you while seeing my face anywhere, even if you close your eyes.
I do not want to make mistakes again. However, I hope you will advise on writing again if I make mistakes ^^
Thank you.
Well noted with many thanks ^^
I will write as followings:
1. I scare of your love. I scare of your saying in the future, I also scare of your change, and I also scare of your blame for my fault in the future... I scare of anything...
2. We still hurt because "hurt" is a verb.
I know the feeling of you while seeing my face anywhere, even if you close your eyes.
I do not want to make mistakes again. However, I hope you will advise on writing again if I make mistakes ^^
Thank you.

1. While using scare as a verb, it means you scare someone, or you make someone to be scared of you.

(Nếu dùng Scare như là 1 động từ, nghĩa là bạn doạ ma ai đó, hoặc bạn làm cho người ta sợ bạn chết khiếp. Eo ui!)
Với lại, dùng scare làm động từ thì không có of nữa.

2. Similarly, using hurt as a verb, that means you hurt him, and he hurt you, you are hurting together. But through your writing, I understood that you only be hurt by him, and, he hurt himself. Or I miss something?
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Dear Mr Ptm0412
Thank you for your teaching

I have a closefriend, she has just said goodbye with her boyfriend and she came to find me for lament. I recommended her that
"sometimes you should let your love fly out, to see if it is strong enough to come back to you"

According to you, is this sentence correct??
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Dear Mr Ptm0412
Thank you for your teaching

I have a close friend, she has just said goodbye with her boyfriend and she came to find me for lament. I recommended her that
"sometimes you should let your love fly out, to see if it is strong enough to come back to you"

According to you, is this sentence correct??

Your sentence is actually correct in grammar, and you used the correct structure.
Anyway, I wonder if you are asking about the sentence itself, or you are asking about the idea of you to advice your friend?

According to me, in such situation, we could let the love fly out to try if it would fly away or it would turn back. But it is dangerous if you try it without any trouble. If there is no trouble, I mean both of the lovers are happy together, DO NOT TRY.

I have another advice:

Keep and hold, until it remain worthy.
You can not hold anything that is not yours, even though you tie it by any kind of rope.

1. While using scare as a verb, it means you scare someone, or you make someone to be scared of you.

(Nếu dùng Scare như là 1 động từ, nghĩa là bạn doạ ma ai đó, hoặc bạn làm cho người ta sợ bạn chết khiếp. Eo ui!)
Với lại, dùng scare làm động từ thì không có of nữa.

2. Similarly, using hurt as a verb, that means you hurt him, and he hurt you, you are hurting together. But through your writing, I understood that you only be hurt by him, and, he hurt himself. Or I miss something?
Thank you very much for your advices ^^
1. I agree completely with you about "Scare"
2. I want to say that love was far-away but both of us are very sad. I just know "hurt" is a noun or verb, if I use "We are still hurt.", I think there is something wrong because "are" is not used with "verb". So I do not know how to express my sadness now. Please advise me how to do if you have free time.
I appreciate your kind helps. Thank you very much again.
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
I forgot one thing: I used "we are hurt" last time because I would like to use passive voice (be + PP). "Hurt" is an irregular verb and the three types of it, (the infinitive, the past, and the past participle), are the same words.

You can find some irregular verbs here:

Yeah, I also forgot that.
Thank you very much.
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