Nhờ các anh chị giúp em xem code này có vấn đề không ạ, em chạy và bị lỗi 13, type mismatch.

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Sub Test()
Dim sArr(), dArr(1 To 10000, 1 To 10000), i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, n As Long, x As Long, y As Long, z As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ((ws.Name <> "BF") And (ws.Name <> "bfsmall") And (ws.Name <> "rvsamall") And (ws.Name <> "rev")) Then
        sArr = ws.[A1].CurrentRegion.Offset(1).Value
        For m = 2 To UBound(sArr, 1) - 1
            If (ws.Cells(3, m).Value = "???????Mud cake of BF Dust") Then
                With Sheets("BF")
                    For i = 1 To UBound(sArr, 1) - 1
                        k = k + 1
                        For j = 1 To UBound(sArr, 2)
                            dArr(k, j) = sArr(i, j)
                        Next j
                    Next i
                    If k Then .[A2].Resize(k, .[IV1].End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = dArr
                End With
                    For y = 1 To 10000
                    With Sheets("bfsmall")
                        .[Bm] = ws.Cells(9, m).Value
                        .[Cm] = ws.Cells(10, m).Value
                        ws.Cells("y,1").Value = Mid(ws.Cells(4, m).Value, 1, 8)
                    End With
                    Next y
            ElseIf (ws.Cells(3, m).Value = "?????????Reverts blending material") Then
                With Sheets("rev")
                    For i = 1 To UBound(sArr, 1) - 1
                        k = k + 1
                        For j = 1 To UBound(sArr, 2)
                        dArr(k, j) = sArr(i, j)
                        Next j
                    Next i
                If k Then .[A2].Resize(k, t.[IV1].End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = dArr
                End With
                For x = 1 To 10000
                    With Sheets("rvsmall")
                        .[Bm] = ws.Cells(9, m).Value
                        .[Cm] = ws.Cells(10, m).Value
                        ws.Cells(x, 1).Value = Mid(ws.Cells(4, m).Value, 1, 8)
                    End With
                Next x
            ElseIf (ws.Cells(3, m).Value = "Desunfulrization magnetism flour") Then
                With Sheets("ds")
                    For i = 1 To UBound(sArr, 1) - 1
                        k = k + 1
                        For j = 1 To UBound(sArr, 2)
                        dArr(k, j) = sArr(i, j)
                        Next j
                    Next i
                If k Then .[A2].Resize(k, t.[IV1].End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = dArr
                End With
                For z = 1 To 10000
                    With Sheets("dssmall")
                    .[Bm] = ws.Cells(9, m).Value
                    .[Cm] = ws.Cells(10, m).Value
                    ws.Cells(z, 1).Value = Mid(ws.Cells(4, m).Value, 1, 8)
                    End With
                Next z
            End If
        Next m

    End If
'With Sheets("BF")
'    .[A1:Z1000].ClearContents
'    If k Then .[A2].Resize(k, .[IV1].End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = dArr
'End With
'End Sub
End Sub
Thử thay:

ElseIf (ws.Cells(3, m).Value = "?????????Reverts blending material") Then


ElseIf (ws.Cells(3, m).Value like "?????????Reverts blending material") Then
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Cái mảng dArr(1 To 10000, 1 To 10000) sao nó lại kinh khủng vậy nhỉ -\\/.
Dùng đến đâu thì khai báo đến đó. Chứ như vậy thì hao tiền hao bạc quá
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em thay rồi nhưng vẫn lỗi ạ! :(
sArr = ws.[A1].CurrentRegion.Offset(1).Value

dòng này có gì không ổn ko ạ?
em cảm ơn
Bài đã được tự động gộp:

Cái mảng dArr(1 To 10000, 1 To 10000) sao nó lại kinh khủng vậy nhỉ -\\/.
Dùng đến đâu thì khai báo đến đó. Chứ như vậy thì hao tiền hao bạc quá
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