bac cho huong dan su dung file. toi mo ra ko biet lam. lam sao dua bang gia chung khoan vao bangr cua bac duoc???Cảm ơn bác nhé, file này bác làm đấy ạ ?
Cái này bạn có thể cho mỗi bảng của ba sàn lúc lấy về cho vào 3 sheet khác nhau được k?Trang vcbs
Mã:Public Sub hello(ByVal selectedStocks As String, ByVal criteriaId As String, ByVal pthMktId As String) Dim str As String, payload As String, arr 'template Payload:{"selectedStocks":"AAM,ABT","criteriaId":"-11","marketId":0,"lastSeq":0,"isReqTL":false,"isReqMK":false,"tlSymbol":"","pthMktId":""} payload = "{""selectedStocks"":""" & selectedStocks & """,""criteriaId"":""" & criteriaId & """,""marketId"":0,""lastSeq"":0," & _ """isReqTL"":false,""isReqMK"":false,""tlSymbol"":"""",""pthMktId"":""" & pthMktId & """}" With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "POST", "", False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .send (payload) str = .ResponseText End With If Len(pthMktId) = 0 Then arr = tachBangGia(str) Else arr = tachGDTT(str) End If Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr) + 1000, UBound(arr, 2) + 50).ClearContents Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr End Sub Private Function tachBangGia(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, arr, dArr, dicColName As Object, r As Long Dim rowData, cellData, c As Long, colIndex As Long Dim regec As Object, mats As Object, mat As Object Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dicColName.CompareMode = vbTextCompare arr = Array("SB", "CL", "FL", "RE", "B3", "V3", "B2", "V2", "B1", "V1", "CH", "CP", "CV", "S1", _ "U1", "S2", "U2", "S3", "U3", "TT", "OP", "HI", "LO", "FB", "FS", "FR") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachBangGia = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """f"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "],") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 1), "\""", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "Id:") Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:[^,]*(,\d+)*" '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:.*?(?=,[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:) regec.Global = True For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 Set mats = regec.Execute(arr(r)) For Each mat In mats cellData = Split(mat, ":") If dicColName.exists(cellData(0)) Then colIndex = dicColName(cellData(0)) dArr(r, colIndex) = IIf(CStr(cellData(1)) = "null", "", cellData(1)) End If Next Next tachBangGia = dArr End Function Private Function tachGDTT(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, dicColName As Object, arr, dArr, r As Long Dim colIndex As Long, rowData, colName As String, cellData, c As Long Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") arr = Array("Symbol", "Price", "MatchVol", "fake", "Time") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachGDTT = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """pm"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "}]") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 2), """", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "{Id:") For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 rowData = Split(arr(r), ",") For c = LBound(rowData) + 1 To UBound(rowData) Step 1 lStart = InStr(1, rowData(c), ":") If lStart > 0 Then cellData = Mid(rowData(c), lStart + 1) colName = Left(rowData(c), lStart - 1) If dicColName.exists(colName) Then colIndex = dicColName(colName) If colIndex = 2 Then dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData / 1000 dArr(r, 4) = "=RC[-2] * RC[-1]" Else dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData End If End If End If Next Next tachGDTT = dArr End Function Public Function createVcbsList() Dim arr(1 To 50, 1 To 4), curRow As Long, str As String With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "GET", "", False .send str = .ResponseText End With tachGroup str, arr, "HOSE", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "HNX", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "UPCOM", curRow createVcbsList = arr End Function Private Sub tachGroup(ByVal stResponse As String, ByRef arr, groupName As String, ByRef curRow As Long) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, mats As Object, mat As Object Static regec As Object, domDoc As Object lStart = InStr(1, stResponse, "id=""" & groupName & "_Group""") lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "</ul>") If regec Is Nothing Then Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "onclick\=\""selectTab\(([^\)]+)[\s\S]+?(<p>[\s\S]+?</p>)[\s\S]+?(value\=\""([\s\S]+?))?</li>" regec.IgnoreCase = True regec.Global = True Set domDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") End If Set mats = regec.Execute(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 5)) For Each mat In mats curRow = curRow + 1 arr(curRow, 1) = groupName domDoc.LoadXML mat.submatches(1) arr(curRow, 2) = domDoc.Text arr(curRow, 3) = mat.submatches(0) If Len(mat.submatches(3)) > 0 Then arr(curRow, 4) = Left(mat.submatches(3), InStr(1, mat.submatches(3), """") - 1) End If Next End Sub
Bạn có thể tham khảo file Bài viết bên nàyCái này bạn có thể cho mỗi bảng của ba sàn lúc lấy về cho vào 3 sheet khác nhau được k?
Trang vcbs
Mã:Public Sub hello(ByVal selectedStocks As String, ByVal criteriaId As String, ByVal pthMktId As String) Dim str As String, payload As String, arr 'template Payload:{"selectedStocks":"AAM,ABT","criteriaId":"-11","marketId":0,"lastSeq":0,"isReqTL":false,"isReqMK":false,"tlSymbol":"","pthMktId":""} payload = "{""selectedStocks"":""" & selectedStocks & """,""criteriaId"":""" & criteriaId & """,""marketId"":0,""lastSeq"":0," & _ """isReqTL"":false,""isReqMK"":false,""tlSymbol"":"""",""pthMktId"":""" & pthMktId & """}" With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "POST", "", False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .send (payload) str = .ResponseText End With If Len(pthMktId) = 0 Then arr = tachBangGia(str) Else arr = tachGDTT(str) End If Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr) + 1000, UBound(arr, 2) + 50).ClearContents Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr End Sub Private Function tachBangGia(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, arr, dArr, dicColName As Object, r As Long Dim rowData, cellData, c As Long, colIndex As Long Dim regec As Object, mats As Object, mat As Object Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dicColName.CompareMode = vbTextCompare arr = Array("SB", "CL", "FL", "RE", "B3", "V3", "B2", "V2", "B1", "V1", "CH", "CP", "CV", "S1", _ "U1", "S2", "U2", "S3", "U3", "TT", "OP", "HI", "LO", "FB", "FS", "FR") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachBangGia = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """f"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "],") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 1), "\""", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "Id:") Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:[^,]*(,\d+)*" '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:.*?(?=,[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:) regec.Global = True For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 Set mats = regec.Execute(arr(r)) For Each mat In mats cellData = Split(mat, ":") If dicColName.exists(cellData(0)) Then colIndex = dicColName(cellData(0)) dArr(r, colIndex) = IIf(CStr(cellData(1)) = "null", "", cellData(1)) End If Next Next tachBangGia = dArr End Function Private Function tachGDTT(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, dicColName As Object, arr, dArr, r As Long Dim colIndex As Long, rowData, colName As String, cellData, c As Long Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") arr = Array("Symbol", "Price", "MatchVol", "fake", "Time") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachGDTT = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """pm"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "}]") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 2), """", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "{Id:") For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 rowData = Split(arr(r), ",") For c = LBound(rowData) + 1 To UBound(rowData) Step 1 lStart = InStr(1, rowData(c), ":") If lStart > 0 Then cellData = Mid(rowData(c), lStart + 1) colName = Left(rowData(c), lStart - 1) If dicColName.exists(colName) Then colIndex = dicColName(colName) If colIndex = 2 Then dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData / 1000 dArr(r, 4) = "=RC[-2] * RC[-1]" Else dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData End If End If End If Next Next tachGDTT = dArr End Function Public Function createVcbsList() Dim arr(1 To 50, 1 To 4), curRow As Long, str As String With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "GET", "", False .send str = .ResponseText End With tachGroup str, arr, "HOSE", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "HNX", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "UPCOM", curRow createVcbsList = arr End Function Private Sub tachGroup(ByVal stResponse As String, ByRef arr, groupName As String, ByRef curRow As Long) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, mats As Object, mat As Object Static regec As Object, domDoc As Object lStart = InStr(1, stResponse, "id=""" & groupName & "_Group""") lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "</ul>") If regec Is Nothing Then Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "onclick\=\""selectTab\(([^\)]+)[\s\S]+?(<p>[\s\S]+?</p>)[\s\S]+?(value\=\""([\s\S]+?))?</li>" regec.IgnoreCase = True regec.Global = True Set domDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") End If Set mats = regec.Execute(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 5)) For Each mat In mats curRow = curRow + 1 arr(curRow, 1) = groupName domDoc.LoadXML mat.submatches(1) arr(curRow, 2) = domDoc.Text arr(curRow, 3) = mat.submatches(0) If Len(mat.submatches(3)) > 0 Then arr(curRow, 4) = Left(mat.submatches(3), InStr(1, mat.submatches(3), """") - 1) End If Next End Sub
Bác ơi, cháu tìm trên internet có mỗi file của bác là lấy được dữ liệu bảng giá, nhưng chỉ lấy được dữ liệu một sàn nhất định mỗi lần.Mình không biết lấy bạn ơi. Bạn liên hệ bài #64 nhé.
Trang vcbs
Mã:Public Sub hello(ByVal selectedStocks As String, ByVal criteriaId As String, ByVal pthMktId As String) Dim str As String, payload As String, arr 'template Payload:{"selectedStocks":"AAM,ABT","criteriaId":"-11","marketId":0,"lastSeq":0,"isReqTL":false,"isReqMK":false,"tlSymbol":"","pthMktId":""} payload = "{""selectedStocks"":""" & selectedStocks & """,""criteriaId"":""" & criteriaId & """,""marketId"":0,""lastSeq"":0," & _ """isReqTL"":false,""isReqMK"":false,""tlSymbol"":"""",""pthMktId"":""" & pthMktId & """}" With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "POST", "", False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .send (payload) str = .ResponseText End With If Len(pthMktId) = 0 Then arr = tachBangGia(str) Else arr = tachGDTT(str) End If Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr) + 1000, UBound(arr, 2) + 50).ClearContents Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr End Sub Private Function tachBangGia(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, arr, dArr, dicColName As Object, r As Long Dim rowData, cellData, c As Long, colIndex As Long Dim regec As Object, mats As Object, mat As Object Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dicColName.CompareMode = vbTextCompare arr = Array("SB", "CL", "FL", "RE", "B3", "V3", "B2", "V2", "B1", "V1", "CH", "CP", "CV", "S1", _ "U1", "S2", "U2", "S3", "U3", "TT", "OP", "HI", "LO", "FB", "FS", "FR") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachBangGia = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """f"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "],") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 1), "\""", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "Id:") Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:[^,]*(,\d+)*" '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:.*?(?=,[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:) regec.Global = True For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 Set mats = regec.Execute(arr(r)) For Each mat In mats cellData = Split(mat, ":") If dicColName.exists(cellData(0)) Then colIndex = dicColName(cellData(0)) dArr(r, colIndex) = IIf(CStr(cellData(1)) = "null", "", cellData(1)) End If Next Next tachBangGia = dArr End Function Private Function tachGDTT(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, dicColName As Object, arr, dArr, r As Long Dim colIndex As Long, rowData, colName As String, cellData, c As Long Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") arr = Array("Symbol", "Price", "MatchVol", "fake", "Time") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachGDTT = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """pm"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "}]") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 2), """", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "{Id:") For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 rowData = Split(arr(r), ",") For c = LBound(rowData) + 1 To UBound(rowData) Step 1 lStart = InStr(1, rowData(c), ":") If lStart > 0 Then cellData = Mid(rowData(c), lStart + 1) colName = Left(rowData(c), lStart - 1) If dicColName.exists(colName) Then colIndex = dicColName(colName) If colIndex = 2 Then dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData / 1000 dArr(r, 4) = "=RC[-2] * RC[-1]" Else dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData End If End If End If Next Next tachGDTT = dArr End Function Public Function createVcbsList() Dim arr(1 To 50, 1 To 4), curRow As Long, str As String With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "GET", "", False .send str = .ResponseText End With tachGroup str, arr, "HOSE", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "HNX", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "UPCOM", curRow createVcbsList = arr End Function Private Sub tachGroup(ByVal stResponse As String, ByRef arr, groupName As String, ByRef curRow As Long) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, mats As Object, mat As Object Static regec As Object, domDoc As Object lStart = InStr(1, stResponse, "id=""" & groupName & "_Group""") lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "</ul>") If regec Is Nothing Then Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "onclick\=\""selectTab\(([^\)]+)[\s\S]+?(<p>[\s\S]+?</p>)[\s\S]+?(value\=\""([\s\S]+?))?</li>" regec.IgnoreCase = True regec.Global = True Set domDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") End If Set mats = regec.Execute(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 5)) For Each mat In mats curRow = curRow + 1 arr(curRow, 1) = groupName domDoc.LoadXML mat.submatches(1) arr(curRow, 2) = domDoc.Text arr(curRow, 3) = mat.submatches(0) If Len(mat.submatches(3)) > 0 Then arr(curRow, 4) = Left(mat.submatches(3), InStr(1, mat.submatches(3), """") - 1) End If Next End Sub
Bác ơi, trang bảng giá của VCBS mới thay đổi hôm nay (31/12/2020), giờ file này không update được nữa. Bác xem chỉnh sửa file giúp theo bảng giá mới của VCBS được không ạ. Cám ơn bác nhiều!
NHờ bác update lại link của vcbs với ạMình không biết lấy bạn ơi. Bạn liên hệ bài #64 nhé.
làm ơn nói kỹtrong file có cái nút bấm , tùy chọn sàn mà lấy nhé
Mã:Public Sub hello(ByVal region As String, ByVal targetTB As String) Dim arr(1 To 2000, 1 To 25), r As Long, str As String Dim mats, mapID, mat, dArr, ub As Long, col As Long With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "GET", "" & region & "/data.ashx?s=quote&l=" & targetTB, False .send str = .ResponseText End With mapID = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, -1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, _ 16, 17, 18, 19, -1, 20, 21, 22, 23, -1, 24, 25) ub = UBound(mapID) + 1 With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") .Global = True .Pattern = "\[""?(\d{1,2})""?,""?([^\]""]+)""?" dArr = Split(str, "}") For r = 0 To UBound(dArr) Set mats = .Execute(dArr(r)) For Each mat In mats col = mat.submatches(0) If col < ub Then If mapID(col) > 0 Then arr(r + 1, mapID(col)) = mat.submatches(1) End If End If Next Next End With Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr End Sub
tôi mở ra chạy báo lỗi bạn ơiTôi có bảng update giá chứng khoán trực tuyến = excel nhé.
Bạn cần thì View attachment 174682
Em chào Chị AutoReply xinh đẹp!trong file có cái nút bấm , tùy chọn sàn mà lấy nhé
Mã:Public Sub hello(ByVal region As String, ByVal targetTB As String) Dim arr(1 To 2000, 1 To 25), r As Long, str As String Dim mats, mapID, mat, dArr, ub As Long, col As Long With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "GET", "" & region & "/data.ashx?s=quote&l=" & targetTB, False .send str = .ResponseText End With mapID = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, -1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, _ 16, 17, 18, 19, -1, 20, 21, 22, 23, -1, 24, 25) ub = UBound(mapID) + 1 With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") .Global = True .Pattern = "\[""?(\d{1,2})""?,""?([^\]""]+)""?" dArr = Split(str, "}") For r = 0 To UBound(dArr) Set mats = .Execute(dArr(r)) For Each mat In mats col = mat.submatches(0) If col < ub Then If mapID(col) > 0 Then arr(r + 1, mapID(col)) = mat.submatches(1) End If End If Next Next End With Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr End Sub
Bạn AutoReply ơi bạn có thể sửa lại code của bảng VCBS được không vì hiện nó bị lỗi không dùng được.Trang vcbs
Mã:Public Sub hello(ByVal selectedStocks As String, ByVal criteriaId As String, ByVal pthMktId As String) Dim str As String, payload As String, arr 'template Payload:{"selectedStocks":"AAM,ABT","criteriaId":"-11","marketId":0,"lastSeq":0,"isReqTL":false,"isReqMK":false,"tlSymbol":"","pthMktId":""} payload = "{""selectedStocks"":""" & selectedStocks & """,""criteriaId"":""" & criteriaId & """,""marketId"":0,""lastSeq"":0," & _ """isReqTL"":false,""isReqMK"":false,""tlSymbol"":"""",""pthMktId"":""" & pthMktId & """}" With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "POST", "", False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .send (payload) str = .ResponseText End With If Len(pthMktId) = 0 Then arr = tachBangGia(str) Else arr = tachGDTT(str) End If Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr) + 1000, UBound(arr, 2) + 50).ClearContents Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr End Sub Private Function tachBangGia(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, arr, dArr, dicColName As Object, r As Long Dim rowData, cellData, c As Long, colIndex As Long Dim regec As Object, mats As Object, mat As Object Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dicColName.CompareMode = vbTextCompare arr = Array("SB", "CL", "FL", "RE", "B3", "V3", "B2", "V2", "B1", "V1", "CH", "CP", "CV", "S1", _ "U1", "S2", "U2", "S3", "U3", "TT", "OP", "HI", "LO", "FB", "FS", "FR") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachBangGia = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """f"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "],") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 1), "\""", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "Id:") Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:[^,]*(,\d+)*" '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:.*?(?=,[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:) regec.Global = True For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 Set mats = regec.Execute(arr(r)) For Each mat In mats cellData = Split(mat, ":") If dicColName.exists(cellData(0)) Then colIndex = dicColName(cellData(0)) dArr(r, colIndex) = IIf(CStr(cellData(1)) = "null", "", cellData(1)) End If Next Next tachBangGia = dArr End Function Private Function tachGDTT(ByVal stResponse As String) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, dicColName As Object, arr, dArr, r As Long Dim colIndex As Long, rowData, colName As String, cellData, c As Long Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") arr = Array("Symbol", "Price", "MatchVol", "fake", "Time") For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1 dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1 Next ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count) tachGDTT = dArr lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """pm"":[")) lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "}]") If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 2), """", "") arr = Split(stResponse, "{Id:") For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1 rowData = Split(arr(r), ",") For c = LBound(rowData) + 1 To UBound(rowData) Step 1 lStart = InStr(1, rowData(c), ":") If lStart > 0 Then cellData = Mid(rowData(c), lStart + 1) colName = Left(rowData(c), lStart - 1) If dicColName.exists(colName) Then colIndex = dicColName(colName) If colIndex = 2 Then dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData / 1000 dArr(r, 4) = "=RC[-2] * RC[-1]" Else dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData End If End If End If Next Next tachGDTT = dArr End Function Public Function createVcbsList() Dim arr(1 To 50, 1 To 4), curRow As Long, str As String With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "GET", "", False .send str = .ResponseText End With tachGroup str, arr, "HOSE", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "HNX", curRow tachGroup str, arr, "UPCOM", curRow createVcbsList = arr End Function Private Sub tachGroup(ByVal stResponse As String, ByRef arr, groupName As String, ByRef curRow As Long) Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, mats As Object, mat As Object Static regec As Object, domDoc As Object lStart = InStr(1, stResponse, "id=""" & groupName & "_Group""") lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "</ul>") If regec Is Nothing Then Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") regec.Pattern = "onclick\=\""selectTab\(([^\)]+)[\s\S]+?(<p>[\s\S]+?</p>)[\s\S]+?(value\=\""([\s\S]+?))?</li>" regec.IgnoreCase = True regec.Global = True Set domDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") End If Set mats = regec.Execute(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 5)) For Each mat In mats curRow = curRow + 1 arr(curRow, 1) = groupName domDoc.LoadXML mat.submatches(1) arr(curRow, 2) = domDoc.Text arr(curRow, 3) = mat.submatches(0) If Len(mat.submatches(3)) > 0 Then arr(curRow, 4) = Left(mat.submatches(3), InStr(1, mat.submatches(3), """") - 1) End If Next End Sub
Bảng của Bác, mình tải về bị lỗi Bác có sửa được không? Nếu sửa được gửi cho mình với.Tôi có bảng update giá chứng khoán trực tuyến = excel nhé.
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