sống chung giữa định dạng #.##0,00 và #,##0.00 (1 người xem)

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Mình có file cexcel với hàm tự tạo (đã được đặt pass, chỉ cho dùng) với định dạng số là #,##0.00. Trong khi đó công việc của mình yêu cầu số phải để định dạng #.##0,00. Vì vậy mỗi lần dùng file excel này phải vào control panel thay đổi định dạng số, mất nhiều thời gian. Do đó rất mong được mọi người chỉ giúp cách cho mình sống chung giữa 2 định dạng này mà tiết kiệm thời gian với, hoặc có thể giúp sửa cexcel có hàm tự tạo để định dạng số thành #.##0,00.

Rất mọng được sự hỗ trợ của mọi người!

File đính kèm

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Hàm tự tạo không thể thay đổi dữ liệu và tính chất của cell.
Có điều gì đó hơi bất thường ở đây. Cái hàm tự tạo kia phải luồn lách qua class mudule?
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Nếu tôi hiểu ý thì sửa như sau.

Trong module BL_sang_xy_phang trong code của hàm Function VN_BL_XY(B, L, KT_truc, x_hoac_y) thêm 3 dòng ở ĐẦU TIÊN
    B = Replace(B, ",", ".")
    L = Replace(L, ",", ".")
    KT_truc = Replace(KT_truc, ",", ".")
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Em đã tìm được code tại trang:
Xin giúp em sửa code để dữ liệu đầu vào có định dạng #,##0.00 còn dữ liệu đầu ra dạng #.##0,00.
Code chương trình:
'********************************************************************************************* _
 Nguyen Bach Thao _
 Phong Ky thuat-Cong ty Dien luc Quang Nam _
 Tel: 0983130081 _
 Email: thaoeqn1983@gmail.com _

Function Helmert_X(X, Y, Z, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
'Computed Helmert transformed X coordinate.
'Input: - _
 cartesian XYZ coords (X,Y,Z), X translation (DX) all in meters ; _
 Y and Z rotations in seconds of arc (Y_Rot, Z_Rot) and scale in ppm (s).

'Convert rotations to radians and ppm scale to a factor
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    sfactor = S * 0.000001
    RadY_Rot = (Y_rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180)
    RadZ_Rot = (Z_rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180)
'Compute transformed X coord
    Helmert_X = X + (X * sfactor) - (Y * RadZ_Rot) + (Z * RadY_Rot) + DX

End Function

Function Helmert_Y(X, Y, Z, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
'Computed Helmert transformed Y coordinate.
'Input: - _
 cartesian XYZ coords (X,Y,Z), Y translation (DY) all in meters ; _
 X and Z rotations in seconds of arc (X_Rot, Z_Rot) and scale in ppm (s).

'Convert rotations to radians and ppm scale to a factor
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    sfactor = S * 0.000001
    RadX_Rot = (X_rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180)
    RadZ_Rot = (Z_rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180)
'Compute transformed Y coord
    Helmert_Y = (X * RadZ_Rot) + Y + (Y * sfactor) - (Z * RadX_Rot) + DY

End Function

Function Helmert_Z(X, Y, Z, DZ, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'Computed Helmert transformed Z coordinate.
'Input: - _
 cartesian XYZ coords (X,Y,Z), Z translation (DZ) all in meters ; _
 X and Y rotations in seconds of arc (X_Rot, Y_Rot) and scale in ppm (s).

'Convert rotations to radians and ppm scale to a factor
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    sfactor = S * 0.000001
    RadX_Rot = (X_rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180)
    RadY_Rot = (Y_rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180)
'Compute transformed Z coord
    Helmert_Z = (-1 * X * RadY_Rot) + (Y * RadX_Rot) + Z + (Z * sfactor) + DZ

End Function

Function XYZ_to_Lat(X, Y, Z, a, b)
'Convert XYZ to Latitude (PHI) in Dec Degrees.
'Input: - _
 XYZ cartesian coords (X,Y,Z) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b), all in meters.


    RootXYSqr = Sqr((X ^ 2) + (Y ^ 2))
    e2 = ((a ^ 2) - (b ^ 2)) / (a ^ 2)
    PHI1 = Atn(Z / (RootXYSqr * (1 - e2)))
    PHI = Iterate_XYZ_to_Lat(a, e2, PHI1, Z, RootXYSqr)
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    XYZ_to_Lat = PHI * (180 / Pi)

End Function

Function Iterate_XYZ_to_Lat(a, e2, PHI1, Z, RootXYSqr)
'Iteratively computes Latitude (PHI).
'Input: - _
 ellipsoid semi major axis (a) in meters; _
 eta squared (e2); _
 estimated value for latitude (PHI1) in radians; _
 cartesian Z coordinate (Z) in meters; _
 RootXYSqr computed from X & Y in meters.

 "Projection and Transformation Calculations.xls" SPREADSHEET

    V = a / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHI1)) ^ 2))))
    PHI2 = Atn((Z + (e2 * V * (Sin(PHI1)))) / RootXYSqr)
    Do While Abs(PHI1 - PHI2) > 0.000000001
        PHI1 = PHI2
        V = a / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHI1)) ^ 2))))
        PHI2 = Atn((Z + (e2 * V * (Sin(PHI1)))) / RootXYSqr)

    Iterate_XYZ_to_Lat = PHI2

End Function

Function XYZ_to_Long(X, Y)
'Convert XYZ to Longitude (LAM) in Dec Degrees.
'Input: - _
 X and Y cartesian coords in meters.

    Pi = 3.14159265358979
'tailor the output to fit the equatorial quadrant as determined by the signs of X and Y
    If X >= 0 Then 'longitude is in the W90 thru 0 to E90 hemisphere
        XYZ_to_Long = (Atn(Y / X)) * (180 / Pi)
    End If
    If X < 0 And Y >= 0 Then 'longitude is in the E90 to E180 quadrant
        XYZ_to_Long = ((Atn(Y / X)) * (180 / Pi)) + 180
    End If
    If X < 0 And Y < 0 Then 'longitude is in the E180 to W90 quadrant
        XYZ_to_Long = ((Atn(Y / X)) * (180 / Pi)) - 180
    End If

End Function

Function XYZ_to_H(X, Y, Z, a, b)
'Convert XYZ to Ellipsoidal Height.
'Input: - _
 XYZ cartesian coords (X,Y,Z) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b), all in meters.


'Compute PHI (Dec Degrees) first
    PHI = XYZ_to_Lat(X, Y, Z, a, b)

'Convert PHI radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
'Compute H
    RootXYSqr = Sqr((X ^ 2) + (Y ^ 2))
    e2 = ((a ^ 2) - (b ^ 2)) / (a ^ 2)
    V = a / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))
    H = (RootXYSqr / Cos(RadPHI)) - V
    XYZ_to_H = H
End Function

Function Lat_Long_H_to_X(PHI, LAM, H, a, b)
'Convert geodetic coords lat (PHI), long (LAM) and height (H) to cartesian X coordinate.
'Input: - _
 Latitude (PHI)& Longitude (LAM) both in decimal degrees; _
 Ellipsoidal height (H) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) all in meters.

'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180)

'Compute eccentricity squared and nu
    e2 = ((a ^ 2) - (b ^ 2)) / (a ^ 2)
    V = a / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))

'Compute X
    Lat_Long_H_to_X = (V + H) * (Cos(RadPHI)) * (Cos(RadLAM))

End Function

Function Lat_Long_H_to_Y(PHI, LAM, H, a, b)
'Convert geodetic coords lat (PHI), long (LAM) and height (H) to cartesian Y coordinate.
'Input: - _
 Latitude (PHI)& Longitude (LAM) both in decimal degrees; _
 Ellipsoidal height (H) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) all in meters.

'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180)

'Compute eccentricity squared and nu
    e2 = ((a ^ 2) - (b ^ 2)) / (a ^ 2)
    V = a / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))

'Compute Y
    Lat_Long_H_to_Y = (V + H) * (Cos(RadPHI)) * (Sin(RadLAM))

End Function

Function Lat_H_to_Z(PHI, H, a, b)
'Convert geodetic coord components latitude (PHI) and height (H) to cartesian Z coordinate.
'Input: - _
 Latitude (PHI) decimal degrees; _
 Ellipsoidal height (H) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) all in meters.

'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)

'Compute eccentricity squared and nu
    e2 = ((a ^ 2) - (b ^ 2)) / (a ^ 2)
    V = a / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))

'Compute X
    Lat_H_to_Z = ((V * (1 - e2)) + H) * (Sin(RadPHI))

End Function

Function Lat_Long_to_East(PHI, LAM, a, b, E0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
'Project Latitude and longitude to Transverse Mercator eastings.
'Input: - _
 Latitude (PHI) and Longitude (LAM) in decimal degrees; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 eastings of false origin (e0) in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0); _
 latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.

'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180)
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180)

    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1
    p = RadLAM - RadLAM0
    IV = nu * (Cos(RadPHI))
    V = (nu / 6) * ((Cos(RadPHI)) ^ 3) * ((nu / rho) - ((Tan(RadPHI) ^ 2)))
    VI = (nu / 120) * ((Cos(RadPHI)) ^ 5) * (5 - (18 * ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 2)) + ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 4) + (14 * eta2) - (58 * ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 2) * eta2))
    Lat_Long_to_East = E0 + (p * IV) + ((p ^ 3) * V) + ((p ^ 5) * VI)
End Function

Function Lat_Long_to_North(PHI, LAM, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
'Project Latitude and longitude to Transverse Mercator northings
'Input: - _
 Latitude (PHI) and Longitude (LAM) in decimal degrees; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0); _
 latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.


'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180)
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180)
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1
    p = RadLAM - RadLAM0
    m = Marc(bf0, N, RadPHI0, RadPHI)
    i = m + N0
    II = (nu / 2) * (Sin(RadPHI)) * (Cos(RadPHI))
    III = ((nu / 24) * (Sin(RadPHI)) * ((Cos(RadPHI)) ^ 3)) * (5 - ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 2) + (9 * eta2))
    IIIA = ((nu / 720) * (Sin(RadPHI)) * ((Cos(RadPHI)) ^ 5)) * (61 - (58 * ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 2)) + ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 4))
    Lat_Long_to_North = i + ((p ^ 2) * II) + ((p ^ 4) * III) + ((p ^ 6) * IIIA)
End Function

Function E_N_to_Lat(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
'Un-project Transverse Mercator eastings and northings back to latitude.
'Input: - _
 eastings (East) and northings (North) in meters; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0) and _
 latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.


'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180)

'Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    Et = East - E0

'Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
    PHId = InitialLat(North, N0, af0, RadPHI0, N, bf0)
'Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1
'Compute Latitude
    VII = (Tan(PHId)) / (2 * rho * nu)
    VIII = ((Tan(PHId)) / (24 * rho * (nu ^ 3))) * (5 + (3 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)) + eta2 - (9 * eta2 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)))
    IX = ((Tan(PHId)) / (720 * rho * (nu ^ 5))) * (61 + (90 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)) + (45 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 4)))
    E_N_to_Lat = (180 / Pi) * (PHId - ((Et ^ 2) * VII) + ((Et ^ 4) * VIII) - ((Et ^ 6) * IX))

End Function

Function E_N_to_Long(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
'Un-project Transverse Mercator eastings and northings back to longitude.
'Input: - _
 eastings (East) and northings (North) in meters; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0) and _
 latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.


'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180)

'Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    Et = East - E0

'Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
    PHId = InitialLat(North, N0, af0, RadPHI0, N, bf0)
'Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1
'Compute Longitude
    X = ((Cos(PHId)) ^ -1) / nu
    XI = (((Cos(PHId)) ^ -1) / (6 * (nu ^ 3))) * ((nu / rho) + (2 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)))
    XII = (((Cos(PHId)) ^ -1) / (120 * (nu ^ 5))) * (5 + (28 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)) + (24 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 4)))
    XIIA = (((Cos(PHId)) ^ -1) / (5040 * (nu ^ 7))) * (61 + (662 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)) + (1320 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 4)) + (720 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 6)))

    E_N_to_Long = (180 / Pi) * (RadLAM0 + (Et * X) - ((Et ^ 3) * XI) + ((Et ^ 5) * XII) - ((Et ^ 7) * XIIA))

End Function

Function InitialLat(North, N0, afo, PHI0, N, bfo)
'Compute initial value for Latitude (PHI) IN RADIANS.
'Input: - _
 northing of point (North) and northing of false origin (n0) in meters; _
 semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (af0) in meters; _
 latitude of false origin (PHI0) IN RADIANS; _
 n (computed from a, b and f0) and _
 ellipsoid semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (bf0) in meters.

'THIS FUNCTION IS ALSO USED ON IT'S OWN IN THE  "Projection and Transformation Calculations.xls" SPREADSHEET

'First PHI value (PHI1)
    PHI1 = ((North - N0) / afo) + PHI0
'Calculate M
    m = Marc(bfo, N, PHI0, PHI1)
'Calculate new PHI value (PHI2)
    PHI2 = ((North - N0 - m) / afo) + PHI1
'Iterate to get final value for InitialLat
    Do While Abs(North - N0 - m) > 0.00001
        PHI2 = ((North - N0 - m) / afo) + PHI1
        m = Marc(bfo, N, PHI0, PHI2)
        PHI1 = PHI2
    InitialLat = PHI2
End Function

Function Marc(bf0, N, PHI0, PHI)
'Compute meridional arc.
'Input: - _
 ellipsoid semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (bf0) in meters; _
 n (computed from a, b and f0); _
 lat of false origin (PHI0) and initial or final latitude of point (PHI) IN RADIANS.

 "Lat_Long_to_North" and "InitialLat" FUNCTIONS
'THIS FUNCTION IS ALSO USED ON IT'S OWN IN THE "Projection and Transformation Calculations.xls" SPREADSHEET

    Marc = bf0 * (((1 + N + ((5 / 4) * (N ^ 2)) + ((5 / 4) * (N ^ 3))) * (PHI - PHI0)) _
    - (((3 * N) + (3 * (N ^ 2)) + ((21 / 8) * (N ^ 3))) * (Sin(PHI - PHI0)) * (Cos(PHI + PHI0))) _
    + ((((15 / 8) * (N ^ 2)) + ((15 / 8) * (N ^ 3))) * (Sin(2 * (PHI - PHI0))) * (Cos(2 * (PHI + PHI0)))) _
    - (((35 / 24) * (N ^ 3)) * (Sin(3 * (PHI - PHI0))) * (Cos(3 * (PHI + PHI0)))))

End Function

Function Lat_Long_to_C(PHI, LAM, LAM0, a, b, f0)
'Compute convergence (in decimal degrees) from latitude and longitude
'Input: - _
 latitude (PHI), longitude (LAM) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0).

'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180)
'Compute af0, bf0 and e squared (e2)
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
'Compute nu, rho, eta2 and p
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1
    p = RadLAM - RadLAM0

'Compute Convergence
    XIII = Sin(RadPHI)
    XIV = ((Sin(RadPHI) * ((Cos(RadPHI)) ^ 2)) / 3) * (1 + (3 * eta2) + (2 * (eta2 ^ 2)))
    XV = ((Sin(RadPHI) * ((Cos(RadPHI)) ^ 4)) / 15) * (2 - ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 2))

    Lat_Long_to_C = (180 / Pi) * ((p * XIII) + ((p ^ 3) * XIV) + ((p ^ 5) * XV))

End Function

Function E_N_to_C(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0)
'Compute convergence (in decimal degrees) from easting and northing
'Input: - _
 Eastings (East) and Northings (North) in meters; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 easting (e0) and northing (n0) of true origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0); _
 latitude of central meridian (PHI0) in decimal degrees.


'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
'Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    Et = East - E0
'Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
    PHId = InitialLat(North, N0, af0, RadPHI0, N, bf0)
'Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1

'Compute Convergence
    XVI = (Tan(PHId)) / nu
    XVII = ((Tan(PHId)) / (3 * (nu ^ 3))) * (1 + ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2) - eta2 - (2 * (eta2 ^ 2)))
    XVIII = ((Tan(PHId)) / (15 * (nu ^ 5))) * (2 + (5 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 2)) + (3 * ((Tan(PHId)) ^ 4)))
    E_N_to_C = (180 / Pi) * ((Et * XVI) - ((Et ^ 3) * XVII) + ((Et ^ 5) * XVIII))
End Function

Function Lat_Long_to_LSF(PHI, LAM, LAM0, a, b, f0)
'Compute local scale factor from latitude and longitude
'Input: - _
 latitude (PHI), longitude (LAM) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0).

 'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180)
    RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180)
'Compute af0, bf0 and e squared (e2)
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
'Compute nu, rho, eta2 and p
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(RadPHI)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1
    p = RadLAM - RadLAM0

'Compute local scale factor
    XIX = ((Cos(RadPHI) ^ 2) / 2) * (1 + eta2)
    XX = ((Cos(RadPHI) ^ 4) / 24) * (5 - (4 * ((Tan(RadPHI)) ^ 2)) + (14 * eta2) - (28 * ((Tan(RadPHI * eta2)) ^ 2)))
    Lat_Long_to_LSF = f0 * (1 + ((p ^ 2) * XIX) + ((p ^ 4) * XX))
End Function

Function E_N_to_LSF(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0)
'Compute local scale factor from from easting and northing
'Input: - _
 Eastings (East) and Northings (North) in meters; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
 easting (e0) and northing (n0) of true origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0); _
 latitude of central meridian (PHI0) in decimal degrees.


'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
'Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    Et = East - E0
'Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
    PHId = InitialLat(North, N0, af0, RadPHI0, N, bf0)
'Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))
    eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1

'Compute local scale factor
    XXI = 1 / (2 * rho * nu)
    XXII = (1 + (4 * eta2)) / (24 * (rho ^ 2) * (nu ^ 2))
    E_N_to_LSF = f0 * (1 + ((Et ^ 2) * XXI) + ((Et ^ 4) * XXII))
End Function

Function E_N_to_t_minus_T(AtEast, AtNorth, ToEast, ToNorth, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0)
'Compute (t-T) correction in decimal degrees at point (AtEast, AtNorth) to point (ToEast,ToNorth)
'Input: - _
 Eastings (AtEast) and Northings (AtNorth) in meters, of point where (t-T) is being computed; _
 Eastings (ToEast) and Northings (ToNorth) in meters, of point at other end of line to which (t-T) is being computed; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) and easting & northing (e0 & n0) of true origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0); _
 latitude of central meridian (PHI0) in decimal degrees.


'Convert angle measures to radians
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180)
'Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Nm (Northing of mid point)
    af0 = a * f0
    bf0 = b * f0
    e2 = ((af0 ^ 2) - (bf0 ^ 2)) / (af0 ^ 2)
    N = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0)
    Nm = (AtNorth + ToNorth) / 2
'Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
    PHId = InitialLat(Nm, N0, af0, RadPHI0, N, bf0)
'Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
    nu = af0 / (Sqr(1 - (e2 * ((Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))))
    rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * (Sin(PHId)) ^ 2))
'Compute (t-T)
    XXIII = 1 / (6 * nu * rho)
    E_N_to_t_minus_T = (180 / Pi) * ((2 * (AtEast - E0)) + (ToEast - E0)) * (AtNorth - ToNorth) * XXIII

End Function

Private Function TrueAzimuth(AtEast, AtNorth, ToEast, ToNorth, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0)
'Compute true azimuth in decimal degrees at point (AtEast, AtNorth) to point (ToEast,ToNorth)
'Input: - _
 Eastings (AtEast) and Northings (AtNorth) in meters, of point where true azimuth is being computed; _
 Eastings (ToEast) and Northings (ToNorth) in meters, of point at other end of line to which true azimuth is being computed; _
 ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) and easting & northing (e0 & n0) of true origin in meters; _
 central meridian scale factor (f0); _
 latitude of central meridian (PHI0) in decimal degrees.

'REQUIRES THE "Marc", "InitialLat", "E_N_to_t_minus_T" and "E_N_to_C" FUNCTIONS
'Compute eastings and northings differences
    Diffe = ToEast - AtEast
    Diffn = ToNorth - AtNorth

'Compute grid bearing
    If Diffe = 0 Then
        If Diffn < 0 Then
            GridBearing = 180
            GridBearing = 0
        End If
        GoTo EndOfComputeBearing
    End If
    Ratio = Diffn / Diffe
    Pi = 3.14159265358979
    GridAngle = (180 / Pi) * Atn(Ratio)
    If Diffe > 0 Then
        GridBearing = 90 - GridAngle
    End If
    If Diffe < 0 Then
        GridBearing = 270 - GridAngle
    End If

'Compute convergence
    Convergence = E_N_to_C(AtEast, AtNorth, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0)
'Compute (t-T) correction
    t_minus_T = E_N_to_t_minus_T(AtEast, AtNorth, ToEast, ToNorth, a, b, E0, N0, f0, PHI0)

'Compute initial azimuth
    InitAzimuth = GridBearing + Convergence - t_minus_T
'Set TrueAzimuth >=0 and <=360
    If InitAzimuth < 0 Then
        TrueAzimuth = InitAzimuth + 360
    ElseIf InitAzimuth > 360 Then
        TrueAzimuth = InitAzimuth - 360
        TrueAzimuth = InitAzimuth
    End If

End Function

Public Function NBT_to_VN2000_X(Latitude As Double, longitude As Double, Height As Double)
Dim a, b, F As Double
Dim KTtruc, VTruc As Double
Dim muichieu As Double
Dim E0, N0 As Double
Dim DX, DY, DZ As Double
Dim X_rot, Y_rot, Z_rot As Double
Dim S As Double
Dim X, Y, Z As Double
Dim X1, Y1, Z1 As Double
Dim B1, L1, H1 As Double
Dim VN2000X, VN2000Y, VN2000H As Double
' Lay cac thong so co ban cua VN2000
Dim slieu As Worksheet
Set slieu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("So lieu")
a = slieu.Range("a")
b = slieu.Range("b")
F = slieu.Range("f")
If b = 0 Then b = a * (1 - F)
KTtruc = slieu.Range("LAM0")
vttruc = slieu.Range("PHI0")
E0 = slieu.Range("E0")
N0 = slieu.Range("N0")
muichieu = slieu.Range("F0")
DX = slieu.Range("DX")
DY = slieu.Range("DY")
DZ = slieu.Range("DZ")
X_rot = slieu.Range("X_Rotation")
Y_rot = slieu.Range("Y_Rotation")
Z_rot = slieu.Range("Z_Rotation")
S = slieu.Range("Scale")
' Lat long H to XYZ WGS84
X = Lat_Long_H_to_X(Latitude, longitude, Height, a, b)
Y = Lat_Long_H_to_Y(Latitude, longitude, Height, a, b)
Z = Lat_H_to_Z(Latitude, Height, a, b)
'XYZ to X1Y1Z1 VN2000
X1 = Helmert_X(X, Y, Z, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
Y1 = Helmert_Y(X, Y, Z, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
Z1 = Helmert_Z(X, Y, Z, DZ, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'X1Y1Z1 to Lat Long H VN2000
B1 = XYZ_to_Lat(X1, Y1, Z1, a, b)
L1 = XYZ_to_Long(X1, Y1)
H1 = XYZ_to_H(X1, Y1, Z1, a, b)
'Lat Long H to E N
VN2000Y = Lat_Long_to_East(B1, L1, a, b, E0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
VN2000X = Lat_Long_to_North(B1, L1, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
VN2000H = H1

NBT_to_VN2000_X = VN2000X

End Function
Public Function NBT_to_VN2000_Y(Latitude As Double, longitude As Double, Height As Double)
Dim a, b, F As Double
Dim KTtruc, VTruc As Double
Dim muichieu As Double
Dim E0, N0 As Double
Dim DX, DY, DZ As Double
Dim X_rot, Y_rot, Z_rot As Double
Dim S As Double
Dim X, Y, Z As Double
Dim X1, Y1, Z1 As Double
Dim B1, L1, H1 As Double
Dim VN2000X, VN2000Y, VN2000H As Double
' Lay cac thong so co ban cua VN2000
Dim slieu As Worksheet
Set slieu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("So lieu")
a = slieu.Range("a")
b = slieu.Range("b")
F = slieu.Range("f")
If b = 0 Then b = a * (1 - F)
KTtruc = slieu.Range("LAM0")
vttruc = slieu.Range("PHI0")
E0 = slieu.Range("E0")
N0 = slieu.Range("N0")
muichieu = slieu.Range("F0")
DX = slieu.Range("DX")
DY = slieu.Range("DY")
DZ = slieu.Range("DZ")
X_rot = slieu.Range("X_Rotation")
Y_rot = slieu.Range("Y_Rotation")
Z_rot = slieu.Range("Z_Rotation")
S = slieu.Range("Scale")
' Lat long H to XYZ WGS84
X = Lat_Long_H_to_X(Latitude, longitude, Height, a, b)
Y = Lat_Long_H_to_Y(Latitude, longitude, Height, a, b)
Z = Lat_H_to_Z(Latitude, Height, a, b)
'XYZ to X1Y1Z1 VN2000
X1 = Helmert_X(X, Y, Z, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
Y1 = Helmert_Y(X, Y, Z, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
Z1 = Helmert_Z(X, Y, Z, DZ, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'X1Y1Z1 to Lat Long H VN2000
B1 = XYZ_to_Lat(X1, Y1, Z1, a, b)
L1 = XYZ_to_Long(X1, Y1)
H1 = XYZ_to_H(X1, Y1, Z1, a, b)
'Lat Long H to E N
VN2000Y = Lat_Long_to_East(B1, L1, a, b, E0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
VN2000X = Lat_Long_to_North(B1, L1, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
VN2000H = H1

NBT_to_VN2000_Y = VN2000Y

End Function
Public Function NBT_to_VN2000_Z(Latitude As Double, longitude As Double, Height As Double)
Dim a, b, F As Double
Dim KTtruc, VTruc As Double
Dim muichieu As Double
Dim E0, N0 As Double
Dim DX, DY, DZ As Double
Dim X_rot, Y_rot, Z_rot As Double
Dim S As Double
Dim X, Y, Z As Double
Dim X1, Y1, Z1 As Double
Dim B1, L1, H1 As Double
Dim VN2000X, VN2000Y, VN2000H As Double
' Lay cac thong so co ban cua VN2000
Dim slieu As Worksheet
Set slieu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("So lieu")
a = slieu.Range("a")
b = slieu.Range("b")
F = slieu.Range("f")
If b = 0 Then b = a * (1 - F)
KTtruc = slieu.Range("LAM0")
vttruc = slieu.Range("PHI0")
E0 = slieu.Range("E0")
N0 = slieu.Range("N0")
muichieu = slieu.Range("F0")
DX = slieu.Range("DX")
DY = slieu.Range("DY")
DZ = slieu.Range("DZ")
X_rot = slieu.Range("X_Rotation")
Y_rot = slieu.Range("Y_Rotation")
Z_rot = slieu.Range("Z_Rotation")
S = slieu.Range("Scale")
' Lat long H to XYZ WGS84
X = Lat_Long_H_to_X(Latitude, longitude, Height, a, b)
Y = Lat_Long_H_to_Y(Latitude, longitude, Height, a, b)
Z = Lat_H_to_Z(Latitude, Height, a, b)
'XYZ to X1Y1Z1 VN2000
X1 = Helmert_X(X, Y, Z, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
Y1 = Helmert_Y(X, Y, Z, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
Z1 = Helmert_Z(X, Y, Z, DZ, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'X1Y1Z1 to Lat Long H VN2000
B1 = XYZ_to_Lat(X1, Y1, Z1, a, b)
L1 = XYZ_to_Long(X1, Y1)
H1 = XYZ_to_H(X1, Y1, Z1, a, b)
'Lat Long H to E N
VN2000Y = Lat_Long_to_East(B1, L1, a, b, E0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
VN2000X = Lat_Long_to_North(B1, L1, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
VN2000H = H1

NBT_to_VN2000_Z = VN2000H

End Function

Public Function NBT_to_WGS84_Lat(North As Double, East As Double, Height As Double)
Dim a, b, F As Double
Dim KTtruc, VTruc As Double
Dim muichieu As Double
Dim E0, N0 As Double
Dim DX, DY, DZ As Double
Dim X_rot, Y_rot, Z_rot As Double
Dim S As Double
Dim X, Y, Z As Double
Dim X1, Y1, Z1 As Double
Dim B1, L1, H1 As Double
Dim WGS84Lat, WGS84Long, WGS84H As Double
' Lay cac thong so co ban cua VN2000
Dim slieu As Worksheet
Set slieu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("So lieu")
a = slieu.Range("a")
b = slieu.Range("b")
F = slieu.Range("f")
If b = 0 Then b = a * (1 - F)
KTtruc = slieu.Range("LAM0")
vttruc = slieu.Range("PHI0")
E0 = slieu.Range("E0")
N0 = slieu.Range("N0")
muichieu = slieu.Range("F0")
DX = slieu.Range("DX")
DY = slieu.Range("DY")
DZ = slieu.Range("DZ")
X_rot = slieu.Range("X_Rotation")
Y_rot = slieu.Range("Y_Rotation")
Z_rot = slieu.Range("Z_Rotation")
S = slieu.Range("Scale")
' E N to Lat Long VN2000
B1 = E_N_to_Lat(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
L1 = E_N_to_Long(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
H1 = Height
' Lat long H to XYZ VN2000
X1 = Lat_Long_H_to_X(B1, L1, Height, a, b)
Y1 = Lat_Long_H_to_Y(B1, L1, Height, a, b)
Z1 = Lat_H_to_Z(B1, L1, a, b)
'X1Y1Z1 to XYZ WGS84
X = Helmert_X(X1, Y1, Z1, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
Y = Helmert_Y(X1, Y1, Z1, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
Z = Helmert_Z(X1, Y1, Z1, DX, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'XYZ to Lat Long H WGS84
WGS84Lat = XYZ_to_Lat(X, Y, Z, a, b)
WGS84Long = XYZ_to_Long(X, Y)
WGS84H = XYZ_to_H(X, Y, Z, a, b)

NBT_to_WGS84_Lat = WGS84Lat - 2.90417781181418E-03 - 0.00006

End Function

Public Function NBT_to_WGS84_Long(North As Double, East As Double, Height As Double)
Dim a, b, F As Double
Dim KTtruc, VTruc As Double
Dim muichieu As Double
Dim E0, N0 As Double
Dim DX, DY, DZ As Double
Dim X_rot, Y_rot, Z_rot As Double
Dim S As Double
Dim X, Y, Z As Double
Dim X1, Y1, Z1 As Double
Dim B1, L1, H1 As Double
Dim WGS84Lat, WGS84Long, WGS84H As Double
' Lay cac thong so co ban cua VN2000
Dim slieu As Worksheet
Set slieu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("So lieu")
a = slieu.Range("a")
b = slieu.Range("b")
F = slieu.Range("f")
If b = 0 Then b = a * (1 - F)
KTtruc = slieu.Range("LAM0")
vttruc = slieu.Range("PHI0")
E0 = slieu.Range("E0")
N0 = slieu.Range("N0")
muichieu = slieu.Range("F0")
DX = slieu.Range("DX")
DY = slieu.Range("DY")
DZ = slieu.Range("DZ")
X_rot = slieu.Range("X_Rotation")
Y_rot = slieu.Range("Y_Rotation")
Z_rot = slieu.Range("Z_Rotation")
S = slieu.Range("Scale")
' E N to Lat Long VN2000
B1 = E_N_to_Lat(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
L1 = E_N_to_Long(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
H1 = Height
' Lat long H to XYZ VN2000
X1 = Lat_Long_H_to_X(B1, L1, Height, a, b)
Y1 = Lat_Long_H_to_Y(B1, L1, Height, a, b)
Z1 = Lat_H_to_Z(B1, L1, a, b)
'X1Y1Z1 to XYZ WGS84
X = Helmert_X(X1, Y1, Z1, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
Y = Helmert_Y(X1, Y1, Z1, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
Z = Helmert_Z(X1, Y1, Z1, DX, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'XYZ to Lat Long H WGS84
WGS84Lat = XYZ_to_Lat(X, Y, Z, a, b)
WGS84Long = XYZ_to_Long(X, Y)
WGS84H = XYZ_to_H(X, Y, Z, a, b)

NBT_to_WGS84_Long = WGS84Long + 3.76088254250817E-03 - 0.00013

End Function

Public Function NBT_to_WGS84_H(North As Double, East As Double, Height As Double)
Dim a, b, F As Double
Dim KTtruc, VTruc As Double
Dim muichieu As Double
Dim E0, N0 As Double
Dim DX, DY, DZ As Double
Dim X_rot, Y_rot, Z_rot As Double
Dim S As Double
Dim X, Y, Z As Double
Dim X1, Y1, Z1 As Double
Dim B1, L1, H1 As Double
Dim WGS84Lat, WGS84Long, WGS84H As Double
' Lay cac thong so co ban cua VN2000
Dim slieu As Worksheet
Set slieu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("So lieu")
a = slieu.Range("a")
b = slieu.Range("b")
F = slieu.Range("f")
If b = 0 Then b = a * (1 - F)
KTtruc = slieu.Range("LAM0")
vttruc = slieu.Range("PHI0")
E0 = slieu.Range("E0")
N0 = slieu.Range("N0")
muichieu = slieu.Range("F0")
DX = slieu.Range("DX")
DY = slieu.Range("DY")
DZ = slieu.Range("DZ")
X_rot = slieu.Range("X_Rotation")
Y_rot = slieu.Range("Y_Rotation")
Z_rot = slieu.Range("Z_Rotation")
S = slieu.Range("Scale")
' E N to Lat Long VN2000
B1 = E_N_to_Lat(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
L1 = E_N_to_Long(East, North, a, b, E0, N0, muichieu, vttruc, KTtruc)
H1 = Height
' Lat long H to XYZ VN2000
X1 = Lat_Long_H_to_X(B1, L1, Height, a, b)
Y1 = Lat_Long_H_to_Y(B1, L1, Height, a, b)
Z1 = Lat_H_to_Z(B1, L1, a, b)
'X1Y1Z1 to XYZ WGS84
X = Helmert_X(X1, Y1, Z1, DX, Y_rot, Z_rot, S)
Y = Helmert_Y(X1, Y1, Z1, DY, X_rot, Z_rot, S)
Z = Helmert_Z(X1, Y1, Z1, DX, X_rot, Y_rot, S)
'XYZ to Lat Long H WGS84
WGS84Lat = XYZ_to_Lat(X, Y, Z, a, b)
WGS84Long = XYZ_to_Long(X, Y)
WGS84H = XYZ_to_H(X, Y, Z, a, b)

NBT_to_WGS84_H = WGS84H - 91.4520812714472 - 4.2632564145606E-14 + 47

End Function
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