Nhờ các Anh em, Chú Bác sửa lỗi dùm ạ

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Nhờ anh em sửa lỗi dùm ạ, sao không load được dữ liệu. Thanks all.
Option Explicit


Public Sub ShowForm()
End Sub

Public Sub hello(ByVal selectedStocks As String, ByVal criteriaId As String, ByVal pthMktId As String)
Dim str As String, payload As String, arr
'template Payload:{"selectedStocks":"AAM,ABT","criteriaId":"-11","marketId":0,"lastSeq":0,"isReqTL":false,"isReqMK":false,"tlSymbol":"","pthMktId":""}
payload = "{""selectedStocks"":""" & selectedStocks & """,""criteriaId"":""" & criteriaId & """,""marketId"":0,""lastSeq"":0," & _
"""isReqTL"":false,""isReqMK"":false,""tlSymbol"":"""",""pthMktId"":""" & pthMktId & """}"
With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
.Open "POST", "http://priceboard.vcbs.com.vn/Priceboard/", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.send (payload)
str = .ResponseText
End With
If Len(pthMktId) = 0 Then
arr = tachBangGia(str)
arr = tachGDTT(str)
End If
Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr) + 1000, UBound(arr, 2) + 50).ClearContents
Sheet1.Range("A5").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr
End Sub

Private Function tachBangGia(ByVal stResponse As String)
Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, arr, dArr, dicColName As Object, r As Long
Dim rowData, cellData, c As Long, colIndex As Long
Dim regec As Object, mats As Object, mat As Object
Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicColName.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
arr = Array("SB", "CL", "FL", "RE", "B3", "V3", "B2", "V2", "B1", "V1", "CH", "CP", "CV", "S1", _
"U1", "S2", "U2", "S3", "U3", "TT", "OP", "HI", "LO", "FB", "FS", "FR")
For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1
dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1
ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count)
tachBangGia = dArr
lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """f"":["))
lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "],")
If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function
stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 1), "\""", "")
arr = Split(stResponse, "Id:")

Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regec.Pattern = "[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\:[^,]*(,\d+)*"
regec.Global = True

For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1
Set mats = regec.Execute(arr(r))
For Each mat In mats
cellData = Split(mat, ":")
If dicColName.exists(cellData(0)) Then
colIndex = dicColName(cellData(0))
dArr(r, colIndex) = IIf(CStr(cellData(1)) = "null", "", cellData(1))
End If
tachBangGia = dArr
End Function

Private Function tachGDTT(ByVal stResponse As String)
Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, dicColName As Object, arr, dArr, r As Long
Dim colIndex As Long, rowData, colName As String, cellData, c As Long

Set dicColName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
arr = Array("Symbol", "Price", "MatchVol", "fake", "Time")
For r = 0 To UBound(arr) Step 1
dicColName(arr(r)) = r + 1
ReDim dArr(1 To 1000, 1 To dicColName.Count)
tachGDTT = dArr

lStart = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, InStr(1, stResponse, """pm"":["))
lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "}]")
If lStart < 2 Or lEnd < 2 Then Exit Function
stResponse = Replace(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 2), """", "")
arr = Split(stResponse, "{Id:")

For r = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr) Step 1
rowData = Split(arr(r), ",")
For c = LBound(rowData) + 1 To UBound(rowData) Step 1
lStart = InStr(1, rowData(c), ":")
If lStart > 0 Then
cellData = Mid(rowData(c), lStart + 1)
colName = Left(rowData(c), lStart - 1)
If dicColName.exists(colName) Then
colIndex = dicColName(colName)
If colIndex = 2 Then
dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData / 1000
dArr(r, 4) = "=RC[-2] * RC[-1]"
dArr(r, colIndex) = cellData
End If
End If
End If
tachGDTT = dArr
End Function

Public Function createVcbsList()
Dim arr(1 To 50, 1 To 4), curRow As Long, str As String
With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", "http://priceboard.vcbs.com.vn/Priceboard/", False
str = .ResponseText
End With

tachGroup str, arr, "HOSE", curRow
tachGroup str, arr, "HNX", curRow
tachGroup str, arr, "UPCOM", curRow
createVcbsList = arr
End Function

Private Sub tachGroup(ByVal stResponse As String, ByRef arr, groupName As String, ByRef curRow As Long)
Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, mats As Object, mat As Object
Static regec As Object, domDoc As Object
lStart = InStr(1, stResponse, "id=""" & groupName & "_Group""")
lEnd = InStr(lStart, stResponse, "</ul>")

If regec Is Nothing Then
Set regec = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regec.Pattern = "onclick\=\""selectTab\(([^\)]+)[\s\S]+?(<p>[\s\S]+?</p>)[\s\S]+?(value\=\""([\s\S]+?))?</li>"
regec.IgnoreCase = True
regec.Global = True
Set domDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
End If

Set mats = regec.Execute(Mid(stResponse, lStart, lEnd - lStart + 5))
For Each mat In mats
curRow = curRow + 1
arr(curRow, 1) = groupName
domDoc.LoadXML mat.submatches(1)
arr(curRow, 2) = domDoc.Text
arr(curRow, 3) = mat.submatches(0)
If Len(mat.submatches(3)) > 0 Then
arr(curRow, 4) = Left(mat.submatches(3), InStr(1, mat.submatches(3), """") - 1)
End If
End Sub
Thanks bạn, file đây ạ

File đính kèm

  • code Chung khoan.xlsb
    156.2 KB · Đọc: 4
1/ Tiêu đề vi phạm nội quy rồi.

2/ Lấy file ở bài khác mà không nói rõ là không được.

3/ Kết bạn với bạn ở chủ đề này này, chung một file đó.

4/ Tìm cổ rô bốt xinh đẹp, kêu cổ ra tay thôi.
Hàm hello có 3 đầu vào, ở đây có 2 đầu vào, làm sao mà chạy được đây :(

hello IIf(ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0, "hsx", "hnx"), ComboBox2.Text
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