Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ShB As Worksheet, ShT As Worksheet, ShS As Worksheet, WF As Object
Dim Rws As Long, Jj As Long, Col As Byte
Set ShB = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("BOITHUONG")
Set ShT = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TAISANHIENCO")
Set ShS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SOTIENKHOIKIEN")
Set WF = Application.WorksheetFunction
Rws = ShB.[B2].CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
[B6].Resize(9 * Rws, 11).ClearContents
ReDim Arr(2 To Rws + 2, 1 To 11)
For Jj = 2 To Rws
Arr(Jj, 1) = ShB.Cells(Jj, "A") 'MaKH'
Arr(Jj, 2) = ShB.Cells(Jj, "C") 'CMND'
Arr(Jj, 3) = ShB.Cells(Jj, "B") 'H&T'
Arr(Jj, 4) = WF.VLookup(Arr(Jj, 1), ShS.[c1].CurrentRegion, 3, False) 'DCh'
Arr(Jj, 5) = WF.VLookup(Arr(Jj, 1), ShS.[c1].CurrentRegion, 5, False) 'SoT'
Arr(Jj, 6) = WF.VLookup(Arr(Jj, 1), ShS.[c1].CurrentRegion, 4, False) 'FL'
ShT.[aa2].Value = Arr(Jj, 1)
For Col = 7 To 9
ShT.[ab2].Value = Cells(5, Col + 1)
Arr(Jj, Col) = WF.DSum(ShT.[B2].CurrentRegion, ShT.[d1], ShT.[AA1:AB2]) 'TSn'
Arr(Jj, 10) = Arr(Jj, 10) + Arr(Jj, Col)
Next Col
Arr(Jj, 11) = ShB.Cells(Jj, "D") 'BT'
Next Jj
[B6].Resize(Jj, 11).Value = Arr()
End Sub
Thử với code "Củ chuối" này xem:Em đã làm đúng như thế, chỉ còn cột số tiền (cột F) của sheet TONGHOP vẫn không cộng tổng được. Cột số tiền là tổng cộng số tiền theo khách hàng ở cột E của sheet SOTIENKHOIKIEN. Ví dụ khách hàng Trần Minh có số tiền đúng là 80.000.
Public Sub GPE()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rng(), Arr(), I As Long, K As Long, Dic As Object, Tem As Variant, TS As Long, Cll As Range
Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Rng = Sheets("BOITHUONG").Range(Sheets("BOITHUONG").[A2], Sheets("BOITHUONG").[A65000].End(xlUp)).Resize(, 4).Value
ReDim Arr(1 To UBound(Rng, 1), 1 To 12)
For K = 1 To UBound(Rng, 1)
Dic.Add (Rng(K, 1)), K
Arr(K, 1) = K: Arr(K, 2) = Rng(K, 1): Arr(K, 3) = Rng(K, 3)
Arr(K, 4) = Rng(K, 2): Arr(K, 12) = Rng(K, 4)
Next K
Rng = Sheets("SOTIENKHOIKIEN").Range(Sheets("SOTIENKHOIKIEN").[A2], Sheets("SOTIENKHOIKIEN").[E65000].End(xlUp)).Value
For I = 1 To UBound(Rng, 1)
Tem = Rng(I, 1)
Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), 5) = Rng(I, 3)
Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), 6) = Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), 6) + Rng(I, 5)
Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), 7) = Rng(I, 4)
Next I
Rng = Sheets("TAISANHIENCO").Range(Sheets("TAISANHIENCO").[A2], Sheets("TAISANHIENCO").[D65000].End(xlUp)).Value
With Sheets("TONGHOP")
For I = 1 To UBound(Rng, 1)
If Rng(I, 3) = .[H5].Value Then TS = 8
If Rng(I, 3) = .[I5].Value Then TS = 9
If Rng(I, 3) = .[J5].Value Then TS = 10
Tem = Rng(I, 1)
Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), TS) = Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), TS) + Rng(I, 4)
Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), 11) = Arr(Dic.Item(Tem), 11) + Rng(I, 4)
Next I
.[A6:L1000].Interior.ColorIndex = 0
.[A6].Resize(K - 1, 12).Value = Arr
Set Cll = .[E65000].End(xlUp).Offset(2)
Cll.Value = .[J1].Value
Cll.Offset(, 1).Value = "=SUM(R6C:R[-2]C)"
Cll.Offset(, -4).Resize(, 12).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
For I = 3 To 7
Cll.Offset(, I).Value = "=SUM(R6C:R[-2]C)"
Next I
End With
Set Dic = Nothing: Set Cll = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub