Option Explicit
Sub ChuyenVi()
Dim hRng As Range, cRng As Range, sRngh As Range, Clls As Range
Dim Col As Byte, jJ As Byte
Set hRng = Range([A1], [A65500].End(xlUp))
Set cRng = Range([A1], [iV1].End(xlToLeft))
Col = cRng.Columns.Count
For Each Clls In Range([H14], [H65500].End(xlUp))
Set sRngh = hRng.Find(Clls.Value, , xlFormulas, xlWhole)
If Not sRngh Is Nothing Then
For jJ = 1 To Col
With Clls.Offset(, jJ)
Cells(sRngh.Row, cRng.Find([h13].Offset(, jJ)).Column).Value = _
If .Interior.ColorIndex > 9 Then
Cells(sRngh.Row, cRng.Find([h13].Offset(, jJ)).Column). _
Interior.ColorIndex = .Interior.ColorIndex
End If
End With
Next jJ
MsgBox "Error!", , "GPE Xin Luu Y"
End If
Next Clls
End Sub