Minh Tam 2024
Thành viên mới

- Tham gia
- 17/3/25
- Bài viết
- 10
- Được thích
- 5
Code nguồn trên mạng . Mọi người xem có khả thi không
Function CheckRegistry(ByVal Paths$, ByVal Entry$) As Boolean
'Haøm kieåm tra Registry coù toàn taïi
'[Paths]: Thö muïc chöùa - [Entry]: Teân thuoäc tính
Dim Obj, Fullpaths$
On Error Resume Next
Fullpaths = "HKCC\ABCExcel\" & Paths & "\" & Entry
Set Obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Entry = Obj.RegRead(Fullpaths)
If err.Number <> 0 Then
CheckRegistry = False
CheckRegistry = True
End If
End Function
Function GetRegistry(ByVal Paths$, ByVal Entry$)
'Haøm laáy giaù trò Registry
'[Paths]: Thö muïc chöùa - [Entry]: Teân thuoäc tính
Dim Obj, Fullpaths$
On Error Resume Next
Fullpaths = "HKCC\ABCExcel\" & Paths & "\" & Entry
Set Obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
GetRegistry = Obj.RegRead(Fullpaths)
End Function
Public Sub WriteRegistry(ByVal Paths$, ByVal Entry$, ByVal values$)
'Taïo môùi hoaëc tuøy chænh giaù trò Registry
'[Paths]: Thö muïc chöùa - [Entry]: Teân thuoäc tính
Dim Obj, Fullpaths$
On Error Resume Next
Fullpaths = "HKCC\ABCExcel\" & Paths & "\" & Entry
Set Obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Obj.RegWrite Fullpaths, values, "REG_SZ"
End Sub
Private Function Encod(ByVal txt$) As Long
'Thuaät toaùn maõ hoùa
Dim xVal As Long
Dim xCh As Long
Dim xSft1 As Long
Dim xSft2 As Long
Dim i%
Dim xLen%
xLen = Len(txt)
For i = 1 To xLen
xCh = Asc(Mid$(txt, i, 1))
xVal = xVal Xor (xCh * 2 ^ xSft1)
xVal = xVal Xor (xCh * 2 ^ xSft2)
xSft1 = (xSft1 + 7) Mod 19
xSft2 = (xSft2 + 13) Mod 23
Next i
Encod = xVal
End Function
Function OpenKey(ByVal Psd$, ByVal InTxt$, Optional ByVal Enc As Boolean = True) As String
'Haøm maõ hoùa license
Dim xOffset!, xLen%, i%, xCh%, xOutTxt$
xOffset = Encod(ReverseText(Psd) & "TafExcel")
Rnd -1
Randomize xOffset
xLen = Len(InTxt)
For i = 1 To xLen
xCh = Asc(Mid$(InTxt, i, 1))
If xCh >= 32 And xCh <= 126 Then
xCh = xCh - 32
xOffset = Int((96) * Rnd)
If Enc Then
xCh = ((xCh + xOffset) Mod 95)
xCh = ((xCh - xOffset) Mod 95)
If xCh < 0 Then xCh = xCh + 95
End If
xCh = xCh + 32
xOutTxt = xOutTxt & Chr$(xCh)
End If
Next i
OpenKey = xOutTxt
End Function
Function HDSerialNumber() As String
'Hieån thò serial number cuûa HDD
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim drive As Object
Dim Serial As String, MyPath
If Application.ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
End If
MyPath = Environ("SystemDrive") & Application.PathSeparator
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set drive = oFSO.GetDrive("" & MyPath & "")
'Maõ hoùa serial number cua HDD
HDSerialNumber = Hex(drive.SerialNumber)
End Function
Function ProcessorInfo()
'Hieån thò thoâng tin CPU
Dim cimv2, PInfo, PItem
Dim PubStrComputer As String
PubStrComputer = "."
Set cimv2 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & PubStrComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set PInfo = cimv2.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Processor")
For Each PItem In PInfo
'MsgBox ("Processor: " & PItem.Name & vbCrLf & "Id: " & PItem.ProcessorId)
ProcessorInfo = PItem.ProcessorId
Next PItem
End Function
Function Limit(ByVal Paths$, ByVal Entry$, Optional ByVal n, Optional ByVal Limitation) As Boolean
'Giôùi haïn döõ lieäu keát hôïp kieåm tra license
'Löu yù khoâng taïo kieåu bieán cho n vaø limitation
Dim UserKey$
UserKey = GetRegistry(Paths, Entry)
'B1. Kieåm tra license
If OpenKey(Entry, HDSerialNumber, True) = UserKey Then
Limit = True
Exit Function
End If
'B2. Duøng thöû neáu coù
If Not IsMissing(n) Or Not IsMissing(Limitation) Then
If n > Limitation Then Limit = False Else Limit = True
End If
End Function
Sub DisableLicense()
'Huûy baûn quyeàn test phaàn meàm
Call WriteRegistry("System", "Addins", 0)
End Sub