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- 7/12/10
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File xlsx thì sẽ không còn lỗi name conflict nữa, chỉ có file xls khi mở bằng office 2007 mới xuất hiện lỗi này.Bạn đưa 1 file xlsx đang bị tình trạng name conflict lên đây, tôi xử giúp cho
Việc xử lý file thì em cũng có thể làm được theo cách xử lý thông qua office 2003, nhưng có cách nào giải quyết trực tiếp bằng cách dùng office 2007 không bác.
Em thấy cách xử lý trên mạng cũng làm thế này:
"Ron@Buy" wrote:
> Jan Karel Pieterse, Excel MVP has in the past offered this explanation.
> Excel checks the integrity of a file when it opens it. Your file contains a
> problematic range name (Insert, Name, define), which coincides with built-in
> range names Excel normally manages itself.
> In this case, you probably have a (I expect workbook-scoped) name called
> Print_area. This is one of those reserved range names managed by Excel.
> Print_area range names normally are worksheet-scoped, which is why this name
> causes an error message.
> These may be possible solutions:
> 1. Open in 2003 and resave with a new name
> 2. Use Rename in the folder view (windows explorer)
> 3. When the first time this box comes up you enter a new name with 1
> character, it will open. Then you should immediately resave the file. If the
> second time opening it, put a new name with 2 characters, and so on. If you
> can't get the file open just keep trying adding 1 character each try until
> the file actually open.
> Hope this helps