Học tập từ một Add-in CBList

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Học tập từ các đọan code của người khác cũng là một cách học.
Tôi xin giới thiệu với các bạn đọan code của Add-in CBList. Nó sẽ giúp các bạn liệt kê các tên CommandBar, Control ID và Face ID. Nó sẽ giúp ích cho các bạn khi các bạn lập trình với CommandBar.
Các bạn có thể download từ:
Đầu tiên dựa vào sự kiện Open và BeforeClose để tạo và xóa Menu cho add-in
Option Explicit

''' Subroutine: Workbook_BeforeClose Event Procedure
''' Purpose:    Hides command bar CBList, if it exists
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
  On Error Resume Next
  Application.CommandBars("CBList").Visible = False
End Sub

''' Subroutine: Workbook_Open Event Procedure
''' Purpose:    Creates new command bar CBList if it does not already exist.
'''             If it does exist, the controls are processed to ensure that
'''             their OnAction macros are the ones in the current workbook.
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  Dim cbList As CommandBar
  Dim lngLeft As Long
  Dim lngTop As Long
  Dim lngPosition As Long
  Dim i As Integer

  On Error Resume Next
  Set cbList = Application.CommandBars("CBList")
  On Error GoTo 0
  If cbList Is Nothing Then
    Set cbList = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="CBList")
    For i = 1 To 4
      cbList.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton
    Next i
  End If
  With cbList.Controls(1)
    .OnAction = "ListAllControls"
    .FaceId = 1826
    .TooltipText = "List All CommandBar Controls"
  End With
  With cbList.Controls(2)
    .OnAction = "ListAllFaces"
    .FaceId = 2104
    .TooltipText = "List All Built-in Button Faces"
  End With
  With cbList.Controls(3)
    .OnAction = "ListPopups"
    .FaceId = 3271
    .TooltipText = "List All PopUp CommandBars"
  End With
  With cbList.Controls(4)
    .OnAction = "ShowHelp"
    .FaceId = 984
    .TooltipText = "Brief explaination of CBList"
  End With
  cbList.Enabled = True
  cbList.Visible = True
End Sub

Lê Thanh Nhân
Sau đó khi người dùng click vào menu của add-in mà thực hiện việc liệt kê.
'* APPLICATION:     Command Bar Lister
'* AUTHOR & DATE:   John Green: Execuplan Consulting Pty. Ltd.
'*                  10th June 1999
'* CONTACT:         jgreen@enternet.com.au
'* DESCRIPTION:     Lists command bars, command bar controls and button faces.
'*                  The code was derived from code presented in "Excel 2000
'*                  VBA Programmer's Reference", Wrox Press, modified according
'*                  to a suggestion from Bill Manville to use a recursive function
'*                  to list the control hierarchy.
'* THIS MODULE:     Contains all code apart from the Workbook Open and Close
'*                  event procedures.
'*  ListAllControls Lists all command bars and their controls
'*  ListAllFaces    Lists all Faces and FaceIds
'*  ListPopUps      Lists all short cut command bars
'*  ShowHelp        Displays help form
'*ListControls      Recursive Function to list controls
'*IsEmptyWorksheet  Checks that listing is going to an empty worksheet

Option Explicit

''' Subroutine: ListAllControls
''' Purpose:    Processes all command bars and calls ListControls function
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Sub ListAllControls()
  Dim cb As CommandBar
  Dim rng As Range
  Dim ctl As CommandBarControl

  If Not IsEmptyWorksheet(ActiveSheet) Then Exit Sub
  Set rng = Range("A1")
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  For Each cb In Application.CommandBars
    Application.StatusBar = "Processing Bar " & cb.Name
    rng.Value = cb.Name
    For Each ctl In cb.Controls
      Set rng = rng.Offset(ListControls(ctl, rng))
    Next ctl
  Next cb
  Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

''' Function:   ListControls
''' Purpose:    Lists control Caption, Type, Face and FaceId. Calls itself
'''             when a control contains other controls. Ignores the contents
'''             of controls that do not contain listable control information.
'''             Returns offset of row after added controls.
''' Arguments:  ctl - control object
'''             rng - current starting cell (Range object) for listing
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Function ListControls(ctl As CommandBarControl, rng As Range) As Long
  Dim lngOffset As Long 'Tracks current row relative to rng
  Dim ctlSub As CommandBarControl 'Control contained in ctl

  On Error Resume Next
  lngOffset = 0
  rng.Offset(lngOffset, 1).Value = ctl.Caption
  rng.Offset(lngOffset, 2).Value = ctl.Type
  'Attempt to copy control face. If error, don't paste
  If Err.Number = 0 Then
    ActiveSheet.Paste rng.Offset(lngOffset, 3)
    rng.Offset(lngOffset, 3).Value = ctl.FaceId
  End If
  'Check Control Type
  Select Case ctl.Type
    Case 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 18
    'Do nothing for these control types
    Case Else
    'Call function recursively if current control contains other controls
      For Each ctlSub In ctl.Controls
        lngOffset = lngOffset + _
            ListControls(ctlSub, rng.Offset(lngOffset, 2))
      Next ctlSub
      lngOffset = lngOffset - 1
  End Select
  ListControls = lngOffset + 1
End Function

''' Function:   IsEmptyWorksheet
''' Purpose:    Checks that worksheet is empty. Returns True or False
''' Arguments:  sht - Worksheet object
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Function IsEmptyWorksheet(sht As Object) As Boolean
  If TypeName(sht) = "Worksheet" Then
    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(sht.UsedRange) = 0 Then
      IsEmptyWorksheet = True
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  MsgBox "Please make sure that an empty worksheet is active", vbCritical, _
End Function

''' Subroutine: ListAllFaces
''' Purpose:    Processes all FaceId numbers and lists face images
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Sub ListAllFaces()
  Dim i As Integer 'Tracks current FaceId
  Dim j As Integer 'Tracks current column in worksheet
  Dim k As Integer 'Tracks current row in worksheet
  Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
  Dim cb As CommandBar

  If Not IsEmptyWorksheet(ActiveSheet) Then Exit Sub
  On Error Resume Next
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Create temporary command bar with single control button
  'to hold control button face to be copied to worksheet
  Set cb = CommandBars.Add(Position:=msoBarFloating, _
      MenuBar:=False, _
  Set ctl = cb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _
  k = 1
  Do While Err.Number = 0
    For j = 1 To 10
      i = i + 1
      Application.StatusBar = "FaceID = " & i
      'Set control button to current FaceId
      ctl.FaceId = i
      'Attempt to copy Face image to worksheet
      'Abandont For loop and Do loop if there is an error
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit For
      ActiveSheet.Paste Cells(k, j + 1)
      Cells(k, j).Value = i
    Next j
    k = k + 1
  Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

''' Subroutine: ListPopups
''' Purpose:    Lists all command bars of type msoBarTypePopup and their controls.
'''             Only lists controls at the top level. Does not list any controls
'''             contained in the top level controls.
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Sub ListPopups()
  Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
  Dim cb As CommandBar
  Dim intRow As Integer 'Tracks row in worksheet

  If Not IsEmptyWorksheet(ActiveSheet) Then Exit Sub
  On Error Resume Next
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Cells(1, 1).Value = "CommandBar"
  Cells(1, 2).Value = "Control"
  Cells(1, 3).Value = "FaceID"
  Cells(1, 4).Value = "ID"
  Range("A1:D1").Font.Bold = True
  intRow = 2
  For Each cb In CommandBars
    Application.StatusBar = "Processing Bar " & cb.Name
    'Only list command bar if type is Popup
    If cb.Type = msoBarTypePopup Then
      Cells(intRow, 1).Value = cb.Name
      intRow = intRow + 1
      'List controls on command bar
      For Each ctl In cb.Controls
        Cells(intRow, 2).Value = ctl.Caption
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
          ActiveSheet.Paste Cells(intRow, 3)
          Cells(intRow, 3).Value = ctl.FaceId
        End If
        Cells(intRow, 4).Value = ctl.Id
        intRow = intRow + 1
      Next ctl
    End If
  Next cb
  Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

''' Subroutine: ShowHelp
''' Purpose:    Shows user form with help
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Sub ShowHelp()
End Sub

Lê Thanh Nhân
Qua Add-in chúng ta học được gì?
Các bạn để ý rằng, trước một thủ tục đều có giải thích sơ bộ:
''' Subroutine: ListPopups
''' Purpose:    Lists all command bars of type msoBarTypePopup and their controls.
'''             Only lists controls at the top level. Does not list any controls
'''             contained in the top level controls.
''' Arguments:  None
''' Date        Developer           Action
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 10 Jun 99   John Green          Created
Sub ListPopups()
Ví dụ: Tên Thủ tục hoặc Hàm. Sau đó là mục đích của thủ tục, hàm. Các Arguments. Ngày tạo, sửa. Người viết thủ tục, hàm...
Thật rỏ ràng phải không các bạn.
Nó cũng áp dụng tương tự cho module
'* APPLICATION:     Command Bar Lister
'* AUTHOR & DATE:   John Green: Execuplan Consulting Pty. Ltd.
'*                  10th June 1999
'* CONTACT:         jgreen@enternet.com.au
'* DESCRIPTION:     Lists command bars, command bar controls and button faces.
'*                  The code was derived from code presented in "Excel 2000
'*                  VBA Programmer's Reference", Wrox Press, modified according
'*                  to a suggestion from Bill Manville to use a recursive function
'*                  to list the control hierarchy.
'* THIS MODULE:     Contains all code apart from the Workbook Open and Close
'*                  event procedures.
'*  ListAllControls Lists all command bars and their controls
'*  ListAllFaces    Lists all Faces and FaceIds
'*  ListPopUps      Lists all short cut command bars
'*  ShowHelp        Displays help form
'*ListControls      Recursive Function to list controls
'*IsEmptyWorksheet  Checks that listing is going to an empty worksheet
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