' ----------------------------------
' Functions In This Module:
' ----------------------------------
' [B]SetFormParent[/B]
' Sets a userform's parent to the Application or the ActiveWindow.
' [B]IsCloseButtonVisible[/B]
' Returns True or False indicating whether the userform's Close button
' is visible.
' [B]ShowCloseButton[/B]
' Displays or hides the userform's Close button.
' [B]IsCloseButtonEnabled[/B]
' Returns True or False indicating whether the userform's Close button
' is enabled.
' [B] EnableCloseButton[/B]
' Enables or disables a userform's Close button.
' [B]ShowTitleBar[/B]
' Displays or hides a userform's Title Bar. The title bar cannot be
' hidden if the form is resizable.
' [B]IsTitleBarVisible[/B]
' Returns True or False indicating if the userform's Title Bar is visible.
' [B]MakeFormResizable[/B]
' Makes the form resizable or not resizable. If the form is made resizable,
' the title bar cannot be hidden.
' [B]IsFormResizable[/B]
' Returns True or False indicating whether the userform is resizable.
' [B]SetFormOpacity[/B]
' Sets the opacity of a form from fully opaque to fully invisible.
' [B]HasMaximizeButton[/B]
' Returns True or False indicating whether the userform has a
' maximize button.
' [B]HasMinimizeButton[/B]
' Returns True or False indicating whether the userform has a
' minimize button.
' [B]ShowMaximizeButton[/B]
' Displays or hides a Maximize Window button on the userform.
' [B]ShowMinimizeButton[/B]
' Displays or hides a Minimize Window button on the userform.
' [B]HWndOfUserForm[/B]
' Returns the window handle (HWnd) of a userform.