Option Explicit
Function MaHoa(ByVal iStr$, ByVal iCode$, ByVal sRow&) As String
Dim abc$, def$, BangMa$, j&
iStr = UCase(iStr)
BangMa = TronMa(def, UCase(Replace(iCode, " ", "", 1)), sRow) & " "
abc = abc & " "
For j = 1 To Len(iStr)
Mid(iStr, j, 1) = Mid(BangMa, InStr(1, abc, Mid(iStr, j, 1)), 1)
Next j
MaHoa = iStr
End Function
Function GiaiMa(ByVal iStr$, ByVal iCode$, ByVal sRow&) As String
Dim abc$, def$, BangMa$, j&
iStr = UCase(iStr)
BangMa = TronMa(def, UCase(Replace(iCode, " ", "", 1)), sRow) & " "
abc = abc & " "
For j = 1 To Len(iStr)
Mid(iStr, j, 1) = Mid(abc, InStr(1, BangMa, Mid(iStr, j, 1)), 1)
Next j
GiaiMa = iStr
End Function
Private Function TronMa(ByVal def$, ByVal iCode$, ByVal sRow&) As String
Dim Res$, sCol&, j&, jC&, q&, n&
q = Len(def)
sCol = (q - 1) \ sRow + 1
def = iCode & def
For j = 1 To Len(iCode)
def = Mid(def, 1, j) & Replace(Mid(def, j + 1, Len(def)), Mid(iCode, j, 1), "")
Next j
Res = def
n = sCol * sRow - 1
For j = 0 To n
If j < q Then
If j Mod sCol = 0 Then jC = j \ sCol + 1 Else jC = jC + sRow
If jC <= q Then Mid(Res, j + 1, 1) = Mid(def, jC, 1)
End If
Next j
TronMa = Res
End Function