Option Explicit
'This are the field names from the Order table in the OrderDatabase.mdb database.
'First line: Path/name of the Access file, Table name
'Second-Eighth line: You can fill in seven criteria,
'and if you not fill in any criteria it return all records
'The first three criteria are only for Text fields
'The fourth and fifth are for numbers fields
'The sixth and seventh are for date fields
'Line nine: Destination sheet/range
'Line ten: Which field names (* = all), Copy field names, clear all cells on Destination sheet first
'Instead of enter field values in the code you can also use a cell value
' "ShipVia", "=", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Value
'Note: look at the other example workbook where you save your different criteria (very easy)
'You can use Data>Validation cells in that workbook
Sub Test1()
'This example retrieves the data for the records in which ShipCountry = Germany
GetDataFromAccess ThisWorkbook.Path & "/OrderDatabase.mdb", "Orders", _
"ShipCountry", "=", "Germany", _
"", "=", "", _
"", "=", "", _
"", ">", "", _
"", "<", "", _
"", ">=", "", _
"", "<=", "", _
Sheets("test").Range("A8"), _
"*", True, True
End Sub
Sub Test2()
'This example retrieves also the data for the records in which ShipCountry = Germany
'It only retrieves this four fields: OrderNumber, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipPostalCode
'I changed the "*" for WhichFields in the code to the names of the fields
GetDataFromAccess ThisWorkbook.Path & "/OrderDatabase.mdb", "Orders", _
"ShipCountry", "=", "Germany", _
"", "=", "", _
"", "=", "", _
"", ">", "", _
"", "<", "", _
"", ">=", "", _
"", "<=", "", _
Sheets("test").Range("A8"), _
"OrderNumber, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipPostalCode", True, True
End Sub
Sub Test3()
'This example retrieves the data for the records in which
'ShipCountry = Germany and ShipVia = Speedy Express
GetDataFromAccess ThisWorkbook.Path & "/OrderDatabase.mdb", "Orders", _
"ShipCountry", "=", "Germany", _
"ShipVia", "=", "Speedy Express", _
"", "=", "", _
"", ">", "", _
"", "<", "", _
"", ">=", "", _
"", "<=", "", _
Sheets("test").Range("A8"), _
"*", True, True
End Sub
Sub Test4()
'This example retrieves the data for the records in which
'ShipCountry = Germany and ShipVia = Speedy Express
'and Freight = between 100 and 300
GetDataFromAccess ThisWorkbook.Path & "/OrderDatabase.mdb", "Orders", _
"ShipCountry", "=", "Germany", _
"ShipVia", "=", "Speedy Express", _
"", "=", "", _
"Freight", ">", "100", _
"Freight", "<", "300", _
"", ">=", "", _
"", "<=", "", _
Sheets("test").Range("A8"), _
"*", True, True
End Sub
Sub Test5()
'This example retrieves the data for the records in which
'ShipCountry = Germany and ShipVia = Speedy Express
'and ShippedDate = between 1/1/1998 and 3/1/1998
GetDataFromAccess ThisWorkbook.Path & "/OrderDatabase.mdb", "Orders", _
"ShipCountry", "=", "Germany", _
"ShipVia", "=", "Speedy Express", _
"", "=", "", _
"", ">", "", _
"", "<", "", _
"ShippedDate", ">=", "1/1/1998", _
"ShippedDate", "<=", "3/1/1998", _
Sheets("test").Range("A8"), _
"*", True, True
End Sub
Sub Test6()
'This example retrieves all records
GetDataFromAccess ThisWorkbook.Path & "/OrderDatabase.mdb", "Orders", _
"", "=", "", _
"", "=", "", _
"", "=", "", _
"", ">", "", _
"", "<", "", _
"", ">=", "", _
"", "<=", "", _
Sheets("test").Range("A8"), _
"*", True, True
End Sub