Thành viên hoạt động
- Tham gia
- 9/2/07
- Bài viết
- 141
- Được thích
- 5
Sao mà nhiều thế hả bạn, có 4 bộ số thỏa mãn yêu cầu thôi mà !Không biết vầy được không?!
Sub Chay()
a = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1
b = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1
e = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1
f = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1
If a >= 10 Or b >= 10 Or e >= 10 Or f >= 10 Or Cells(a, b) = "" Or Cells(e, f) = "" Then
Call Chay
Range("E20").Value = Cells(a, b) & "-" & Cells(e, f) & "-" & Cells(a, b) & "-" & Cells(e, f)
End If
End Sub
Bạn hãy test thật kỹ trên file rồi hãy đưa code lên! Nếu ra được kết quả 4 bộ số thì OKsorry, nếu không muốn hết thì thêm cách khác nha:
Copy code này vào Module và chạy thừ xem.
Mã:Sub Chay() a = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 b = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 e = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 f = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 If a >= 10 Or b >= 10 Or e >= 10 Or f >= 10 Or Cells(a, b) = "" Or Cells(e, f) = "" Then Call Chay Else Range("E20").Value = Cells(a, b) & "-" & Cells(e, f) & "-" & Cells(a, b) & "-" & Cells(e, f) End If End Sub
Sub Chay() k = 1 For i = 1 To 1000 a = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 b = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 e = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 f = Val(Left(Rnd() * 100, 1)) + 1 If a
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
k = 1
For x1 = 1 To 10
For y1 = 1 To 10
If Cells(x1, y1) <> "" Then
For x2 = x1 To 10
For y2 = y1 To 10
If Cells(x2, y2) <> "" Then
For x3 = x1 To 10
For y3 = y1 To 10
If Cells(x3, y3) <> "" Then
For x4 = x1 To 10
For y4 = y1 To 10
If Cells(x4, y4) <> "" Then
If (x1 = x2 And x3 = x4) And (y1 = y3 And y2 = y4) And x2 <> x3 And y3 <> y4 Then
Cells(k, 12) = Cells(x1, y1) & "-" & Cells(x2, y2) & "-" & Cells(x3, y3) & "-" & Cells(x4, y4)
k = k + 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Timso()
Dim Rng As Range, Cll As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long, r As Long, Lcol As Long, Lrow As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Rng = Range("A1:J10")
Lcol = Rng.Columns.Count
Lrow = Rng.Rows.Count
r = 2
For Each Cll In Rng
If Cll <> "" Then
With Cll
For i = 1 To Lrow - .Row
For j = 1 To Lcol - .Column
If .Offset(, j) <> "" And .Offset(i, 0) <> "" And .Offset(i, j) <> "" Then
Cells(r, 12) = .Value & "-" & .Offset(, j) & "-" & .Offset(i, j) & "-" & .Offset(i, 0)
r = r + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
End With
End If
Set Rng = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Mình góp thêm một cách
Option Explicit
Sub Search4Num()
Dim Rng As Range, Clls As Range: Const Noi As String = "-"
Dim Jj As Long, Ww As Long, Zz As Long, lCol As Long, lRow As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Rng = [A1].CurrentRegion: lRow = Rng.Rows.Count
lCol = Rng.Columns.Count: Range("L2:L" & (lRow * lCol)).Clear
Set Rng = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1)
Zz = 1
For Each Clls In Rng
With Clls
For Jj = 1 To lRow - .Row
For Ww = 1 To lCol - .Column
If .Offset(, Ww) <> "" And .Offset(Jj) <> "" And .Offset(Jj, Ww) <> "" Then
Zz = Zz + 1
Cells(Zz, 12) = .Value & Noi & .Offset(, Ww) & Noi _
& .Offset(Jj, Ww) & Noi & .Offset(Jj, 0)
Cells(Zz, 12).Interior.ColorIndex = 32 + (Zz Mod 24)
End If
Next Ww
Next Jj
End With
Next Clls: Set Rng = Nothing
End Sub
Sub VuongChuNhat()
Dim ra, rb, ca, cb
Dim rd As Long, rc As Long, cd As Integer, cc As Integer, n As Integer
Dim r1 As Long, r2 As Long, c1 As Integer, c2 As Integer
rd = Selection.Row
rc = rd + Selection.Rows.Count - 1
cd = Selection.Column
cc = cd + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
n = rc + 1
Range(Cells(n, rd), Cells(n + 1000, cd)).ClearContents
For r1 = rd To rc - 1
For c1 = cd To cc - 1
For r2 = r1 + 1 To rc
For c2 = c1 + 1 To cc
ra = Cells(r1, c1)
rb = Cells(r2, c1)
ca = Cells(r1, c2)
cb = Cells(r2, c2)
If ra <> "" And rb <> "" And ca <> "" And cb <> "" Then
Cells(n, 1) = ra & "-" & rb & "-" & ca & "-" & cb
n = n + 1
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit: Option Base 1
Const GPE As String = "-"
Dim Jj As Long, Ww As Long, lCol As Long, lRow As Long
Function SearchNums(Rng As Range)
ReDim FAddress(Rng.Cells.Count, 1): Dim Clls As Range
Dim Zz As Integer
For Jj = 1 To Rng.Cells.Count
FAddress(Jj, 1) = GPE
Next Jj
lRow = Rng.Rows.Count: lCol = Rng.Columns.Count
' Set Rng = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1)
For Each Clls In Rng
With Clls
For Jj = 1 To lRow - .Row
For Ww = 1 To lCol - .Column
If .Offset(, Ww) <> "" And .Offset(Jj) <> "" And .Offset(Jj, Ww) <> "" _
And .Value <> "" Then
Zz = Zz + 1
FAddress(Zz, 1) = .Value & GPE & .Offset(, Ww) & GPE _
& .Offset(Jj, Ww) & GPE & .Offset(Jj)
End If
Next Ww
Next Jj
End With
Next Clls
SearchNums = FAddress
End Function
... If .Offset(, j) "" And .Offset(i, 0) "" And .Offset(i, j) "" Then Cells(r, 12) = .Value & "-" & .Offset(, j) & "-" & .Offset(i, j) & "-" & .Offset(i, 0) [COLOR=red]temp = temp & Cells(r, 12) & Chr(13)[/COLOR] r = r + 1 End If ... Application.ScreenUpdating = True [COLOR=red]MsgBox (temp) [/COLOR]End Sub
Cảm ơn các pro nhiều!
To hoangdanh82vn : Trong code của bạn, làm sao đưa các kết quả tìm được vào một biến để mình thông báo = Msgbox bien?
Sub Timso()
Dim Rng As Range, Cll As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long, r As Long, Lcol As Long, Lrow As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Rng = Range("A1:J10")
Lcol = Rng.Columns.Count
Lrow = Rng.Rows.Count
r = 2
Dim Notice As String
Notice = "- KET QUA LA :"
For Each Cll In Rng
If Cll <> "" Then
With Cll
For i = 1 To Lrow - .Row
For j = 1 To Lcol - .Column
If .Offset(, j) <> "" And .Offset(i, 0) <> "" And .Offset(i, j) <> "" Then
Cells(r, 12) = .Value & "-" & .Offset(, j) & "-" & .Offset(i, j) & "-" & .Offset(i, 0)
Notice = Notice & Chr(13) & Cells(r, 12)
r = r + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
End With
End If
MsgBox Notice
Set Rng = Nothing : Set Cll = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sửa theo cách của Po_Picachu và Mr_Okebab thì Cell(r, 12) vẫn nhận giá trị trên cell, có cách nào lưu kết quả trực tiếp vào bien luôn không? Hoặc add các kết quả tìm được vào trong comment của 01 cell nào đó?