Hỏi về lỗi overflow trong VBA (1 người xem)

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Chào các bác
Khi em chạy 1 đoạn code vba để ghép các file riêng lẻ vào 1 file tổng hợp thì báo lỗi này.

Nếu chia các file con thành nhiều nhóm nhỏ hơn thì không bị.

Nếu debug thì báo vàng ở dòng

desSheet.Range("A" & Trim(Str(curRow)) & ":A" & Trim(Str(curRow + rowCnt - 1))).Value = srcFile

Nhờ các bác sửa giúp ạ.

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File đính kèm

  • Screenshot_20211111-100144.png
    77.6 KB · Đọc: 7
Public Sub GetData()

Dim srcFolder As String
Dim srcFile As String
Dim curRow As Integer
Dim rowCnt As Integer
Dim srcBook As Workbook
Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
Dim desBook As Workbook
Dim desSheet As Worksheet
Dim srcSheetName As String
Dim listSheetName() As String
Dim startRow As Integer
Dim startCol As String
Dim endCol As String
Dim i As Integer

srcFolder = GetFolder(Application.Path)
srcFile = Dir(srcFolder & "\*.xls?")

srcSheetName = InputBox("Nhap sheet can tong hop")
startRow = InputBox("Nhap dong bat dau")
startCol = InputBox("Nhap cot bat dau")
endCol = InputBox("Nhap cot ket thuc")
listSheetName = Split(srcSheetName, ";")

Set desBook = ActiveWorkbook
For i = LBound(listSheetName) To UBound(listSheetName)

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For i = LBound(listSheetName) To UBound(listSheetName)
Set desSheet = CreateSheet(desBook, "Result - " & listSheetName(i))
    curRow = 1
    Do While srcFile <> ""
        If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> srcFile Then
            Set srcBook = Workbooks.Open(srcFolder & "\" & srcFile)

                Set srcSheet = srcBook.Sheets(Trim(listSheetName(i)))
                rowCnt = startRow
                Do While srcSheet.Range(startCol & Trim(Str(rowCnt + 1))).Value <> ""
                    rowCnt = rowCnt + 1
                rowCnt = rowCnt - startRow
                srcSheet.Range(startCol & Trim(Str(startRow)) & ":" & endCol & Trim(Str(startRow + rowCnt - 1))).Select
                desSheet.Range("B" & Trim(Str(curRow))).Select
                desSheet.Range("A" & Trim(Str(curRow)) & ":A" & Trim(Str(curRow + rowCnt - 1))).Value = srcFile
                curRow = curRow + rowCnt
        End If
        srcFile = Dir
    srcFile = Dir(srcFolder & "\*.xls?")
Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Function GetFolder(strPath As String) As String

Dim fldr As FileDialog
Dim sItem As String
Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With fldr
    .Title = "Select a Folder"
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    .InitialFileName = strPath
    If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
    sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
GetFolder = sItem
Set fldr = Nothing

End Function

Function CreateSheet(wb As Workbook, sheetName As String) As Worksheet

On Error Resume Next

Dim oldAlert As Boolean
oldAlert = Application.DisplayAlerts

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = oldAlert

Set CreateSheet = wb.Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
CreateSheet.Name = sheetName

On Error GoTo -1

End Function

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