GS-Base 7.0

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Hôm nay thấy có cái này hay hay, giống Excel nhưng mỗi Sheet (table) là khoảng 2,097,152 rows (records) and 2047 columns (fields).

Mời các bạn đọc tham khảo:

GS-Base 7.0 is an easy-to-use and portable database that will help you to transform your data into tables and quickly look up any information you need. Whether you'll will use it to manage your address books or to organize your more complex data sets for your hobby activities or in a network environment at work, GS-Base can be a good choice for you.
  • Up to 2,097,152 records and 2047 fields in one table; any number of tables in one file.
  • Around 300 standard built-in formulas that can be used in calculated fields.
  • Printing tables, forms and labels.
  • Sending personalized e-mail messages with customized attachments.
  • Password protection and encryption.
  • Clean installation (no registry entries are required).
  • Compressed binary and xml file formats.
  • Fize Size: 1607KB (sao mà bé tý thế nhỉ)
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