Option Explicit
Sub ThongKeNgay()
Dim Sh As Worksheet, Rng As Range, Arr(), sRng As Range, Arr0()
Dim Rws As Long, J As Long, Col As Integer, W As Integer, Z As Integer, Tmr As Double
Tmr = Timer()
Sheets("Thong Ke NG Hang Ngay").Select
Arr0() = Range([c3], [c3].End(xlToRight)).Value
Rws = [b4].CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Range("C4:iV4").Resize(Rws).ClearContents '<=|'
Set Sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Theo Doi Loc, Sua")
Col = Sh.[iv5].End(xlToLeft).Columns
Rws = Sh.[F5].End(xlDown).Row
Arr() = Sh.[F6].Resize(Rws, Col).Value
Set Rng = Range([b4], [b4].End(xlDown))
For J = 1 To Rws
If Arr(J, 10) <> "" Then
Set sRng = Rng.Find(Arr(J, 1), , xlFormulas, xlWhole)
If sRng Is Nothing Then '<=|'
MsgBox "Nothing": Exit Sub
sRng.Offset(, -1).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
End If '*'
For W = 10 To (Col + 10) Step 4
If Arr(J, W) = "" Then
Exit For
For Z = 1 To UBound(Arr0(), 2)
If Arr(J, W) = Arr0(1, Z) Then
With Cells(sRng.Row, Z + 2)
.Value = .Value + Arr(J, W + 2)
End With
Exit For '<=|'
End If
Next Z
End If
Next W
End If
Next J
[cw1].Value = Timer() - Tmr
End Sub