Tự động fill công thức cho ô ( khi có dữ liệu ở ô STT)

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Nguyễn My2424

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Được thích
Hi các anh/ chị. Em muốn nhờ các anh/ chị hướng dẫn cách để tự động fill CÔNG THỨC ( không phải dữ liệu) vào ô tiếp theo khi nhập dữ liệu tại ô STT. Ví dụ file em đính kèm : khi nhập dữ liệu STT ( 3) tại ô A7 thì các ô L7,M7,U7,V7,... được tự động copy CÔNG THỨC từ ô trên là L6,M6,U6,V7 ... xuống. Em cảm ơn rất nhiều

File đính kèm

  • Tự động fill công thức.xlsx
    232 KB · Đọc: 7
Bạn có thể sử dụng hàm VBA như dưới đây để thực hiện mong muốn của bạn
Để được hướng dẫn, bạn hãy gõ hàm vào ô FxAutoFill_HuongDan() để hiển thị hướng dẫn.
Nếu bạn có một sổ làm việc mới, hãy lưu nó lại với đuôi xlsm hoặc xlsb và chép mã VBA vào.

Ví dụ:


Hiểu là: Tự động Fill khi giá trị trong vùng ô A2:A1000 thay đổi, Fill tại ô C2:F2, H2:Z2 và tự động sao chép định dạng A2:Z2 cho dòng mới
Nếu bạn muốn tạm dừng hãy gõ FFx_Disibled() vào biểu thức.

Tập tin tải về bao gồm hàm tạo hướng dẫn

(Mã dưới đây không bao gồm hàm tạo hướng dẫn, nên mã gọn nhẹ hơn)

'                    _,
' ___   _   _  _ ___(_)
'/ __| / \ | \| | _ | |
'\__ \/ \ \| \\ | _ \ |
'|___/_/ \_|_|\_|___/_|
Option Explicit
Private Const projectUDFName = "AutoFillCells"
Private Const projectUDFVersion = "1.0"
#If VBA7 = 0 Then
  Private Enum LongPtr:[_]:End Enum
#End If

#If -VBA7 And -Win64 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function setTimer Lib "user32" Alias "SetTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr, ByVal uElapse As LongPtr, ByVal lpTimerFunc As LongPtr) As LongPtr
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function killTimer Lib "user32" Alias "KillTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr) As LongPtr
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function setTimer Lib "user32" Alias "SetTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr, ByVal uElapse As LongPtr, ByVal lpTimerFunc As LongPtr) As Long
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function killTimer Lib "user32" Alias "KillTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr) As Long
  Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long
#End If
Private Type TypeArguments
  direction As Long
  action As Long
  Fx As String
  addr As String
  Cells As Excel.Range
  caller As Range
  FillCells As Variant
  target As Excel.Range
  RangeFormat As Excel.Range
  RangeEvent As Excel.Range
  AutoCopyFormat As Boolean
  FillHorizontal As Boolean
  Disabled As Boolean
End Type

Private Enum AutoFillCellsEnum

  FxF_FillCells = 1
  FxF_MainFX = 1141000
End Enum

Private Work As TypeArguments

Function FxAutoFill(ByVal RangeEvent As Range, ParamArray arguments())
  FxAutoFill = AddArguments(FxF_MainFX, RangeEvent, arguments)
End Function
Function FFx_FillCells(ParamArray arguments()): AddArguments FxF_FillCells, arguments: End Function
Function FFx_RangeFormat(RangeFormat As Range): AddArguments FxF_RangeFormat, RangeFormat: End Function
Function FFx_FillHorizontal(): AddArguments FxF_FillHorizontal: End Function
Function FFx_Disabled(): AddArguments FxF_Disabled: End Function

Function FxAutoFill_HuongDan(): Call AddArguments(FxF_Example): End Function

Private Function AddArguments(direction&, ParamArray arguments())
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim k%, i%, j%, r As Object, s$, f$, n As Boolean
  Set r = Application.ThisCell:
  AddArguments = "[FxAutoFill]"
  If r Is Nothing Then Exit Function
  Select Case direction
  Case FxF_Example: FFFSetTimer direction, IIf(r Is Nothing, "", "^z"): Exit Function
  End Select
  f = r.Formula
  s = r.Address(0, 0, , 1)
  With Work
    If .action = 0 Then
      .action = 1
    End If
    Select Case direction
    Case FxF_MainFX:
      If r.Parent Is activeSheet And Not .Disabled Then
        Set .RangeEvent = arguments(0)
        Set .caller = r: .addr = s: .Fx = f
        FFFSetTimer direction
        Dim w As TypeArguments: Work = w
      End If
    Case FxF_RangeFormat: Set .RangeFormat = arguments(0)
    Case FxF_FillCells: .FillCells = arguments(0)
    Case FxF_AutoCopyFormat: .AutoCopyFormat = True
    Case FxF_FillHorizontal: .FillHorizontal = True
    Case FxF_Disabled: .Disabled = True
    Case Else: Exit Function
    End Select
  End With
End Function
Private Sub FFFSetTimer(ByVal idEvent As LongPtr, Optional keys$)
  If keys <> Empty Then sendkeys keys
  Call setTimer(Application.Hwnd, idEvent, 50, AddressOf FxFillAuto_callback)
End Sub
Private Sub FxFillAuto_callback(ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal wMsg As LongPtr, ByVal idEvent As LongPtr, ByVal dwTime As LongPtr)
  On Error Resume Next
  killTimer Hwnd, idEvent
  Select Case idEvent
  Case FxF_MainFX: FxFillAuto_working
  End Select
End Sub

Private Sub FxFillAuto_working()
  Dim a As Object, ee As Boolean, su As Boolean, Ac As Long, b As Boolean
  On Error Resume Next
  GoSub st
  With Work
    b = AutoFillRange(.RangeEvent, .FillCells, .RangeFormat, .FillHorizontal)
  End With
  Dim ww As TypeArguments
  Work = ww
  If Not a Is Nothing Then
    With a
      If ee And .EnableEvents <> ee Then .EnableEvents = ee
      If su And .ScreenUpdating <> su Then .ScreenUpdating = su
      If .Calculation <> Ac Then .Calculation = Ac
    End With
    If b Then Work.caller.Parent.Calculate
    Set a = Nothing
  End If
Exit Sub
  If a Is Nothing Then
    Set a = Work.caller.Parent.Parent.Parent
    With a
      ee = .EnableEvents: If ee Then .EnableEvents = False
      su = .ScreenUpdating: If su Then .ScreenUpdating = False
      Ac = .Calculation: If Ac <> xlCalculationManual Then .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub AutoFillRange_test()
  Dim RangeEvent As Range, FillFXs(1 To 2), RangeFormat As Range, autoFormat As Boolean
  Set RangeFormat = [C41:F42] ' [A5:AX6]
  Set RangeEvent = [C41:C1000] '[A5:A1000]
  Set FillFXs(1) = [D41:E42] ' [L5:M6]
  Set FillFXs(2) = [F41:F42] '[U5:V6]
  AutoFillRange RangeEvent, FillFXs, RangeFormat
  'Set RangeFormat = sh.Range(RangeFormat(1, 1).MergeArea, RangeFormat)
End Sub
Private Function AutoFillRange(ByVal RangeEvent As Range, FillFXs, _
                      Optional ByVal RangeFormat As Range, _
                      Optional ByVal FillHorizontal As Boolean) As Boolean
  Dim sh, rg As Range, rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range, rg3 As Range, rg0 As Range, iFXs&()
  Dim lFXs%, uFXs%, fR&, i&, k&, j&, rr&, r&, fRC&, k1&, k2&, k3&, eR1&, eC&, iStep&
  Dim autoFormat As Boolean, b As Boolean, e As Boolean
  Set sh = RangeEvent.Parent
  Set RangeEvent = sh.Range(RangeEvent(1, 1).MergeArea, RangeEvent)
  lFXs = LBound(FillFXs): uFXs = UBound(FillFXs): ReDim iFXs(lFXs To uFXs, 1)
  GoSub getStep
  If FillHorizontal Then
    Set rg0 = sh.Cells(1, fR).Resize(, iStep)
    Set RangeEvent = RangeEvent.Resize(1)
    eC = RangeEvent(1, 1).MergeArea.Rows.Count
    Set rg = rg0(1, rg0.Columns.Count + 1).MergeArea(1, 1)
    r = rg.column
    rr = RangeEvent.column + RangeEvent.Columns.Count - 1
    Set rg0 = sh.Cells(fR, 1).Resize(iStep)
    Set RangeEvent = RangeEvent.Resize(, 1)
    eC = RangeEvent(1, 1).MergeArea.Columns.Count
    Set rg = rg0(rg0.Rows.Count + 1, 1).MergeArea(1, 1)
    r = rg.Row
    rr = RangeEvent.Row + RangeEvent.Rows.Count - 1
  End If
  j = fRC + 1:
  If iStep > 1 Then If (j Mod iStep) <> 1 Then Exit Function
  Do While j <= rr
    If FillHorizontal Then
      Set rg = sh.Cells(RangeEvent.Row, j).MergeArea(1, 1): j = rg.column
      If iStep > 1 Then k1 = iStep Else k1 = rg.MergeArea.Columns.Count
      Set rg = sh.Cells(j, RangeEvent.column).MergeArea(1, 1): j = rg.Row
      If iStep > 1 Then k1 = iStep Else k1 = rg.MergeArea.Rows.Count
    End If
    e = rg.value <> Empty
    For i = lFXs To uFXs
      If Not FillFXs(i) Is Nothing Then
        Set rg2 = FillFXs(i)
        If FillHorizontal Then
          Set rg2 = sh.Cells(rg2.Row, j).Resize(rg2.Rows.Count, iStep)
          Set rg2 = sh.Cells(j, rg2.column).Resize(iStep, rg2.Columns.Count)
        End If
        With rg2
          b = e
          If e Then
            If .Rows.CountLarge = 1 And .Columns.CountLarge = 1 Then
              If .value <> Empty Or .HasFormula Then b = False
              If Not .Find("*") Is Nothing Then b = False
            End If
          End If
          k2 = iFXs(i, 1)
          If b Then
            k = 1
            If k2 = 0 Then
              iFXs(i, 1) = j + k1: iFXs(i, 0) = j
              If k2 = j Then
                iFXs(i, 1) = j + k1
                k3 = iFXs(i, 0): iFXs(i, 0) = j: iFXs(i, 1) = j + k1: GoTo cp
              End If
            End If
            If k2 > 0 Then
              k3 = iFXs(i, 0): iFXs(i, 0) = 0: iFXs(i, 1) = 0
              If FillHorizontal Then
                Set rg1 = sh.Cells(rg2.Row, fR).Resize(rg2.Rows.Count, iStep)
                Set rg2 = sh.Cells(rg2.Row, k3).Resize(rg2.Rows.Count, k2 - k3)
                Set rg1 = sh.Cells(fR, rg2.column).Resize(iStep, rg2.Columns.Count)
                Set rg2 = sh.Cells(k3, rg2.column).Resize(k2 - k3, rg2.Columns.Count)
              End If
              GoSub copy
            End If
          End If
        End With
      End If
    j = j + k1
    If Not e Then Exit Do
  If k > 0 Then
    AutoFillRange = True
    If Not RangeFormat Is Nothing Then
      Set rg = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
      Set rg3 = ActiveCell
      Set rg2 = RangeFormat.Resize(j - fR)
      GoSub pasteFormat
      Application.Goto rg3, False
    End If
  End If
Exit Function
  rg1.copy rg2
  Application.CutCopyMode = False
  rg2.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
  Application.CutCopyMode = False
  iStep = 0: fR = 0: fRC = 0
  For i = lFXs To uFXs
    If TypeName(FillFXs(i)) = "Range" Then
      Set rg2 = FillFXs(i)
      If rg2.Parent Is sh Then
        If FillHorizontal Then
          k2 = rg2.column
          k3 = k2 + rg2.Columns.Count - 1
          k2 = rg2.Row
          k3 = k2 + rg2.Rows.Count - 1
        End If
        fR = IIf(fR < k2 Or fR = 0, k2, fR)
        fRC = IIf(k3 > fRC Or fRC = 0, k3, fRC)
        GoTo n
      End If
    End If
    Set FillFXs(i) = Nothing
  Debug.Print j, fR; fRC; iStep
  iStep = fRC - fR + 1
  If iStep < 1 Then Exit Function
End Function

File đính kèm

  • Tự động fill công thức.xlsm
    100.2 KB · Đọc: 5
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
Upvote 0
Bạn có thể sử dụng hàm VBA như dưới đây để thực hiện mong muốn của bạn
Để được hướng dẫn, bạn hãy gõ hàm vào ô FxAutoFill_HuongDan() để hiển thị hướng dẫn.
Nếu bạn có một sổ làm việc mới, hãy lưu nó lại với đuôi xlsm hoặc xlsb và chép mã VBA vào.

Ví dụ:


Hiểu là: Tự động Fill khi giá trị trong vùng ô A2:A1000 thay đổi, Fill tại ô C2:F2, H2:Z2 và tự động sao chép định dạng A2:Z2 cho dòng mới
Nếu bạn muốn tạm dừng hãy gõ FFx_Disibled() vào biểu thức.

Tập tin tải về bao gồm hàm tạo hướng dẫn

(Mã dưới đây không bao gồm hàm tạo hướng dẫn, nên mã gọn nhẹ hơn)

'                    _,
' ___   _   _  _ ___(_)
'/ __| / \ | \| | _ | |
'\__ \/ \ \| \\ | _ \ |
'|___/_/ \_|_|\_|___/_|
Option Explicit
Private Const projectUDFName = "AutoFillCells"
Private Const projectUDFVersion = "1.0"
#If VBA7 = 0 Then
  Private Enum LongPtr:[_]:End Enum
#End If

#If -VBA7 And -Win64 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function setTimer Lib "user32" Alias "SetTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr, ByVal uElapse As LongPtr, ByVal lpTimerFunc As LongPtr) As LongPtr
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function killTimer Lib "user32" Alias "KillTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr) As LongPtr
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function setTimer Lib "user32" Alias "SetTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr, ByVal uElapse As LongPtr, ByVal lpTimerFunc As LongPtr) As Long
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function killTimer Lib "user32" Alias "KillTimer" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr) As Long
  Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long
#End If
Private Type TypeArguments
  direction As Long
  action As Long
  Fx As String
  addr As String
  Cells As Excel.Range
  caller As Range
  FillCells As Variant
  target As Excel.Range
  RangeFormat As Excel.Range
  RangeEvent As Excel.Range
  AutoCopyFormat As Boolean
  FillHorizontal As Boolean
  Disabled As Boolean
End Type

Private Enum AutoFillCellsEnum

  FxF_FillCells = 1
  FxF_MainFX = 1141000
End Enum

Private Work As TypeArguments

Function FxAutoFill(ByVal RangeEvent As Range, ParamArray arguments())
  FxAutoFill = AddArguments(FxF_MainFX, RangeEvent, arguments)
End Function
Function FFx_FillCells(ParamArray arguments()): AddArguments FxF_FillCells, arguments: End Function
Function FFx_RangeFormat(RangeFormat As Range): AddArguments FxF_RangeFormat, RangeFormat: End Function
Function FFx_FillHorizontal(): AddArguments FxF_FillHorizontal: End Function
Function FFx_Disabled(): AddArguments FxF_Disabled: End Function

Function FxAutoFill_HuongDan(): Call AddArguments(FxF_Example): End Function

Private Function AddArguments(direction&, ParamArray arguments())
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim k%, i%, j%, r As Object, s$, f$, n As Boolean
  Set r = Application.ThisCell:
  AddArguments = "[FxAutoFill]"
  If r Is Nothing Then Exit Function
  Select Case direction
  Case FxF_Example: FFFSetTimer direction, IIf(r Is Nothing, "", "^z"): Exit Function
  End Select
  f = r.Formula
  s = r.Address(0, 0, , 1)
  With Work
    If .action = 0 Then
      .action = 1
    End If
    Select Case direction
    Case FxF_MainFX:
      If r.Parent Is activeSheet And Not .Disabled Then
        Set .RangeEvent = arguments(0)
        Set .caller = r: .addr = s: .Fx = f
        FFFSetTimer direction
        Dim w As TypeArguments: Work = w
      End If
    Case FxF_RangeFormat: Set .RangeFormat = arguments(0)
    Case FxF_FillCells: .FillCells = arguments(0)
    Case FxF_AutoCopyFormat: .AutoCopyFormat = True
    Case FxF_FillHorizontal: .FillHorizontal = True
    Case FxF_Disabled: .Disabled = True
    Case Else: Exit Function
    End Select
  End With
End Function
Private Sub FFFSetTimer(ByVal idEvent As LongPtr, Optional keys$)
  If keys <> Empty Then sendkeys keys
  Call setTimer(Application.Hwnd, idEvent, 50, AddressOf FxFillAuto_callback)
End Sub
Private Sub FxFillAuto_callback(ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal wMsg As LongPtr, ByVal idEvent As LongPtr, ByVal dwTime As LongPtr)
  On Error Resume Next
  killTimer Hwnd, idEvent
  Select Case idEvent
  Case FxF_MainFX: FxFillAuto_working
  End Select
End Sub

Private Sub FxFillAuto_working()
  Dim a As Object, ee As Boolean, su As Boolean, Ac As Long, b As Boolean
  On Error Resume Next
  GoSub st
  With Work
    b = AutoFillRange(.RangeEvent, .FillCells, .RangeFormat, .FillHorizontal)
  End With
  Dim ww As TypeArguments
  Work = ww
  If Not a Is Nothing Then
    With a
      If ee And .EnableEvents <> ee Then .EnableEvents = ee
      If su And .ScreenUpdating <> su Then .ScreenUpdating = su
      If .Calculation <> Ac Then .Calculation = Ac
    End With
    If b Then Work.caller.Parent.Calculate
    Set a = Nothing
  End If
Exit Sub
  If a Is Nothing Then
    Set a = Work.caller.Parent.Parent.Parent
    With a
      ee = .EnableEvents: If ee Then .EnableEvents = False
      su = .ScreenUpdating: If su Then .ScreenUpdating = False
      Ac = .Calculation: If Ac <> xlCalculationManual Then .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub AutoFillRange_test()
  Dim RangeEvent As Range, FillFXs(1 To 2), RangeFormat As Range, autoFormat As Boolean
  Set RangeFormat = [C41:F42] ' [A5:AX6]
  Set RangeEvent = [C41:C1000] '[A5:A1000]
  Set FillFXs(1) = [D41:E42] ' [L5:M6]
  Set FillFXs(2) = [F41:F42] '[U5:V6]
  AutoFillRange RangeEvent, FillFXs, RangeFormat
  'Set RangeFormat = sh.Range(RangeFormat(1, 1).MergeArea, RangeFormat)
End Sub
Private Function AutoFillRange(ByVal RangeEvent As Range, FillFXs, _
                      Optional ByVal RangeFormat As Range, _
                      Optional ByVal FillHorizontal As Boolean) As Boolean
  Dim sh, rg As Range, rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range, rg3 As Range, rg0 As Range, iFXs&()
  Dim lFXs%, uFXs%, fR&, i&, k&, j&, rr&, r&, fRC&, k1&, k2&, k3&, eR1&, eC&, iStep&
  Dim autoFormat As Boolean, b As Boolean, e As Boolean
  Set sh = RangeEvent.Parent
  Set RangeEvent = sh.Range(RangeEvent(1, 1).MergeArea, RangeEvent)
  lFXs = LBound(FillFXs): uFXs = UBound(FillFXs): ReDim iFXs(lFXs To uFXs, 1)
  GoSub getStep
  If FillHorizontal Then
    Set rg0 = sh.Cells(1, fR).Resize(, iStep)
    Set RangeEvent = RangeEvent.Resize(1)
    eC = RangeEvent(1, 1).MergeArea.Rows.Count
    Set rg = rg0(1, rg0.Columns.Count + 1).MergeArea(1, 1)
    r = rg.column
    rr = RangeEvent.column + RangeEvent.Columns.Count - 1
    Set rg0 = sh.Cells(fR, 1).Resize(iStep)
    Set RangeEvent = RangeEvent.Resize(, 1)
    eC = RangeEvent(1, 1).MergeArea.Columns.Count
    Set rg = rg0(rg0.Rows.Count + 1, 1).MergeArea(1, 1)
    r = rg.Row
    rr = RangeEvent.Row + RangeEvent.Rows.Count - 1
  End If
  j = fRC + 1:
  If iStep > 1 Then If (j Mod iStep) <> 1 Then Exit Function
  Do While j <= rr
    If FillHorizontal Then
      Set rg = sh.Cells(RangeEvent.Row, j).MergeArea(1, 1): j = rg.column
      If iStep > 1 Then k1 = iStep Else k1 = rg.MergeArea.Columns.Count
      Set rg = sh.Cells(j, RangeEvent.column).MergeArea(1, 1): j = rg.Row
      If iStep > 1 Then k1 = iStep Else k1 = rg.MergeArea.Rows.Count
    End If
    e = rg.value <> Empty
    For i = lFXs To uFXs
      If Not FillFXs(i) Is Nothing Then
        Set rg2 = FillFXs(i)
        If FillHorizontal Then
          Set rg2 = sh.Cells(rg2.Row, j).Resize(rg2.Rows.Count, iStep)
          Set rg2 = sh.Cells(j, rg2.column).Resize(iStep, rg2.Columns.Count)
        End If
        With rg2
          b = e
          If e Then
            If .Rows.CountLarge = 1 And .Columns.CountLarge = 1 Then
              If .value <> Empty Or .HasFormula Then b = False
              If Not .Find("*") Is Nothing Then b = False
            End If
          End If
          k2 = iFXs(i, 1)
          If b Then
            k = 1
            If k2 = 0 Then
              iFXs(i, 1) = j + k1: iFXs(i, 0) = j
              If k2 = j Then
                iFXs(i, 1) = j + k1
                k3 = iFXs(i, 0): iFXs(i, 0) = j: iFXs(i, 1) = j + k1: GoTo cp
              End If
            End If
            If k2 > 0 Then
              k3 = iFXs(i, 0): iFXs(i, 0) = 0: iFXs(i, 1) = 0
              If FillHorizontal Then
                Set rg1 = sh.Cells(rg2.Row, fR).Resize(rg2.Rows.Count, iStep)
                Set rg2 = sh.Cells(rg2.Row, k3).Resize(rg2.Rows.Count, k2 - k3)
                Set rg1 = sh.Cells(fR, rg2.column).Resize(iStep, rg2.Columns.Count)
                Set rg2 = sh.Cells(k3, rg2.column).Resize(k2 - k3, rg2.Columns.Count)
              End If
              GoSub copy
            End If
          End If
        End With
      End If
    j = j + k1
    If Not e Then Exit Do
  If k > 0 Then
    AutoFillRange = True
    If Not RangeFormat Is Nothing Then
      Set rg = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
      Set rg3 = ActiveCell
      Set rg2 = RangeFormat.Resize(j - fR)
      GoSub pasteFormat
      Application.Goto rg3, False
    End If
  End If
Exit Function
  rg1.copy rg2
  Application.CutCopyMode = False
  rg2.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
  Application.CutCopyMode = False
  iStep = 0: fR = 0: fRC = 0
  For i = lFXs To uFXs
    If TypeName(FillFXs(i)) = "Range" Then
      Set rg2 = FillFXs(i)
      If rg2.Parent Is sh Then
        If FillHorizontal Then
          k2 = rg2.column
          k3 = k2 + rg2.Columns.Count - 1
          k2 = rg2.Row
          k3 = k2 + rg2.Rows.Count - 1
        End If
        fR = IIf(fR < k2 Or fR = 0, k2, fR)
        fRC = IIf(k3 > fRC Or fRC = 0, k3, fRC)
        GoTo n
      End If
    End If
    Set FillFXs(i) = Nothing
  Debug.Print j, fR; fRC; iStep
  iStep = fRC - fR + 1
  If iStep < 1 Then Exit Function
End Function
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