Thành viên hoạt động
- Tham gia
- 9/2/07
- Bài viết
- 141
- Được thích
- 5
Option Explicit
Sub ToHopChap4()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Zj As Integer, Zf As Byte, Zw As Byte, Zz As Byte
Dim eRow As Long
Const Gn As String = "-"
eRow = [A65432].End(xlUp).Row: Range("C1:C" & eRow + 9).Clear
Range("A1:A" & eRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Select
If Not Selection Is Nothing Then Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
eRow = [A65432].End(xlUp).Row
For Zf = 1 To eRow - 3
For Zj = Zf + 1 To eRow - 2
For Zw = Zj + 1 To eRow + 1
For Zz = Zw + 1 To eRow
[c65432].End(xlUp).Offset(1) = Cells(Zf, 1) & Gn & Cells(Zj, 1) & Gn _
& Cells(Zw, 1) & Gn & Cells(Zz, 1)
Next Zz, Zw, Zj, Zf
End Sub
Có khi nó gôm cả các dòng ghi chú của bạn vô làm luôn đó!
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub ToHopChap4()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Zj As Integer, Zf As Byte, Zw As Byte, Zz As Byte
Dim eRow As Long: Dim bRng As Range '<<=='
Const Gn As String = "-"
eRow = [A65432].End(xlUp).Row
Range([C1], [c65500].End(xlUp)).Clear '<<=='
Set bRng = Range("A1:A" & eRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) '<<=='
If Not bRng Is Nothing Then bRng.Delete Shift:=xlUp '<<=='
eRow = [A65432].End(xlUp).Row
For Zf = 1 To eRow - 3
For Zj = Zf + 1 To eRow - 2
For Zw = Zj + 1 To eRow + 1
For Zz = Zw + 1 To eRow
[c65432].End(xlUp).Offset(1) = Cells(Zf, 1) & Gn & Cells(Zj, 1) & Gn _
& Cells(Zw, 1) & Gn & Cells(Zz, 1)
Next Zz, Zw, Zj, Zf
End Sub