Dùng VBA để xác định vị trí của Form

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Vâng, thưa các bạn có những lúc các bạn muốn form người dùng hiện ra tại một vị trí, hay một ô nào bạn muốn. Thế thì làm sao chúng ta có thể làm được vậy?

Chúng ta hãy cùng đọc bài FormPosition trên trang Web cpearson.

Đầu tiên chúng ta hãy chép module vào file Excel của chúng ta:

modFormPositioner module
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''
' Module Name: modFormPositioner
' Date: 22-Sept-2002
' Author: Chip Pearson, www.cpearson.com, chip@cpearson.com
' Copyright: (c) Copyright 2002, Charles H Pearson.
' Description: Calculates to position to display
' a userform relative to a cell.
' Usage:
' Declare a variable of type Positions:
' Dim PS As Positions
' Call the PositionForm function, passing it the following
' parameters:
' WhatForm The userform object
' AnchorRange The cell relative to which the form
' should be displayed.
' NudgeRight Optional: Number of points to nudge the
' for to the right. This is useful with
' bordered range. Typically, this should
' be 0, but may be positive or negative.
' NudgeDown Optional: Number of points to nudge the
' for downward. This is useful with
' bordered range. Typically, this should
' be 0, but may be positive or negative.
' HorizOrientation: Optional: One of the following values:
' cstFhpNull = Left of screen
' cstFhpAppCenter = Center of Excel screen
' cstFhpAuto = Automatic (recommended and default)
' cstFhpFormLeftCellLeft = left edge of form at left edge of cell
' cstFhpFormLeftCellRight = left edge of form at right edge of cell
' cstFhpFormLeftCellCenter = left edge of form at center of cell
' cstFhpFormRightCellLeft = right edge of form at left edge of cell
' cstFhpFormRightCellRight = right edge of form at right edge of cell
' cstFhpFormRightCellCenter = right edge of form at center of cell
' cstFhpFormCenterCellLeft = center of form at left edge of cell
' cstFhpFormCenterCellRight = center of form at right edge of cell
' cstFhpFormCenterCellCenter = center of form at center of cell
' VertOrientation Optional: One of the following values:
' cstFvpNull = Top of screen
' cstFvpAppCenter = Center of Excel screen
' cstFvpAuto = Automatic (recommended and default)
' cstFvpFormTopCellTop = top edge of form at top edge of cell
' cstFvpFormTopCellBottom = top edge of form at bottom edge of cell
' cstFvpFormTopCellCenter = top edge of form at center of cell
' cstFvpFormBottomCellTop = bottom edge of form at top of edge of cell
' cstFvpFormBottomCellBottom = bottom edge of form at bottom edge of cell
' cstFvpFormBottomCellCenter = bottom edge of form at center of cell
' cstFvpFormCenterCellTop = center of form at top of cell
' cstFvpFormCenterCellBottom = center of form at bottom of cell
' cstFvpFormCenterCellCenter = center of form at center of cell
' For example:
' PS = PositionForm (UserForm1,Range("C12"),0,0,cstFvpAuto,cstFhpAuto)
' Then, position the form using the values from PS:
' UserForm1.Top = PS.FrmTop
' UserForm1.Left = PS.FrmLeft
' Finally, show the form:
' UserForm1.Show vbModal
' In summary, the code would look like
' Dim PS As Positions
' PS = PositionForm (UserForm1,ActiveCell,0,0,cstFvpAuto,cstFhpAuto)
' UserForm1.Top = PS.FrmTop
' UserForm1.Left = PS.FrmLeft
' UserForm1.Show vbModal
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''
' Type: Positions
' We store everything in a structure so that we can easily
' pass things around from on procedure to another. Otherwise,
' we'd quickly run out of stack space passing to the
' optimazation procedures.
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''
Public Type Positions

FrmTop As Single ' Userform
FrmLeft As Single
FrmHeight As Single
FrmWidth As Single

RngTop As Single ' Passed in cell
RngLeft As Single
RngWidth As Single
RngHeight As Single

AppTop As Single 'Application
AppLeft As Single
AppWidth As Single
AppHeight As Single

WinTop As Single ' Window
WinLeft As Single
WinWidth As Single
WinHeight As Single

Cell1Top As Single ' 1st cell in visible range
Cell1Left As Single
Cell1Width As Single
Cell1Height As Single

LastCellTop As Single ' last visible cell in window
LastCellLeft As Single
LastCellWidth As Single
LastCellHeight As Single

BaseLeft As Single ' the are the screen based coordinates for the upper left corner
BaseTop As Single ' of cell.

VComp As Single ' compensations for displayed object (toolbars, headers, etc)
HComp As Single

NudgeDown As Single ' allow the user to nudge the positioning by a few pixels.
NudgeRight As Single

#If VBA6 Then
OrientationH As cstFormHorizontalPosition
OrientationV As cstFormVerticalPosition
OrientationH As Long
OrientationV As Long
#End If

End Type
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''
' End TYPE
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''

#If VBA6 Then
Public Enum cstFormHorizontalPosition
cstFhpNull = -2 ' X = 0, left of screen
cstFhpAppCenter = -1
cstFhpAuto = 0



End Enum

Public Enum cstFormVerticalPosition
cstFvpNull = -2 ' Y = 0, top of screen
cstFvpAppCenter = -1
cstFvpAuto = 0



End Enum


Public Const cstFhpNull As Long = -2 ' X = 0, left of screen
Public Const cstFhpAppCenter As Long = -1
Public Const cstFhpAuto As Long = 0

Public Const cstFhpFormLeftCellLeft As Long = 1
Public Const cstFhpFormLeftCellRight As Long = 2
Public Const cstFhpFormLeftCellCenter As Long = 3

Public Const cstFhpFormRightCellLeft As Long = 4
Public Const cstFhpFormRightCellRight As Long = 5
Public Const cstFhpFormRightCellCenter As Long = 6

Public Const cstFhpFormCenterCellLeft As Long = 7
Public Const cstFhpFormCenterCellRight As Long = 8
Public Const cstFhpFormCenterCellCenter As Long = 9

Public Const cstFvpNull As Long = -2 ' Y = 0, top of screen
Public Const cstFvpAppCenter As Long = -1
Public Const cstFvpAuto As Long = 0

Public Const cstFvpFormTopCellTop As Long = 1
Public Const cstFvpFormTopCellBottom As Long = 2
Public Const cstFvpFormTopCellCenter As Long = 3

Public Const cstFvpFormBottomCellTop As Long = 4
Public Const cstFvpFormBottomCellBottom As Long = 5
Public Const cstFvpFormBottomCellCenter As Long = 6

Public Const cstFvpFormCenterCellTop As Long = 7
Public Const cstFvpFormCenterCellBottom As Long = 8
Public Const cstFvpFormCenterCellCenter As Long = 9

#End If
Vị trí của Form - Phần II

Public Const cColHeaderHeight As Single = 9
Public Const cRowHeaderWidth As Single = 20
Public Const cDefaultWindowFrameHeight As Single = 26
Public Const cDefaultWindowFrameWidth As Single = 6
Public Const cDefaultCmdBarHeight = 26
Private Const cLeftBump = 5
Private Const cRightBump = 0
Private Const cUpBump = 0
Private Const cDownBump = 0

#If VBA6 Then
Function PositionForm(WhatForm As Object, AnchorRange As Range, _
Optional NudgeRight As Single = 0, Optional NudgeDown As Single = 0, _
Optional ByVal HorizOrientation As cstFormHorizontalPosition = cstFhpAuto, _
Optional ByVal VertOrientation As cstFormVerticalPosition = cstFvpAuto) As Positions

Function PositionForm(WhatForm As Object, AnchorRange As Range, _
Optional NudgeRight As Single = 0, Optional NudgeDown As Single = 0, _
Optional ByVal HorizOrientation As Long = cstFhpAuto, _
Optional ByVal VertOrientation As Long = cstFvpAuto) As Positions

#End If
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' PositionForm
' The positions the form on the screen according to the specified
' parameters. It returns a Position structure.
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Dim CmdBar As Office.CommandBar
Dim DefaultCmdBarHeight As Single

Dim VCmdArr(0 To 20) As Single ' hold our command bar widths -- assume fewer that 20 rows
Dim HCmdArr(0 To 20) As Single ' of command bars.

Dim HasVisibleWindow As Boolean
Dim Win As Window
Dim PS As Positions

Dim Ndx As Long

Dim ColHeaderHeight As Single: ColHeaderHeight = cColHeaderHeight
Dim RowHeaderWidth As Single: RowHeaderWidth = cRowHeaderWidth
Dim DefaultWindowFrameHeight As Single: DefaultWindowFrameHeight = cDefaultWindowFrameHeight
Dim DefaultWindowFrameWidth As Single: DefaultWindowFrameWidth = cDefaultWindowFrameWidth

PS.OrientationH = HorizOrientation
PS.OrientationV = VertOrientation
PS.NudgeRight = NudgeRight
PS.NudgeDown = NudgeDown
' If Excel is minimized, set to 0,0 and get out. The caller should NOT be
' displaying a form when XL is minimized.
If Application.WindowState = xlMinimized Then
WhatForm.Top = 0
WhatForm.Left = 0
PS.FrmTop = 0
PS.FrmWidth = 0
PS.OrientationH = cstFhpNull
PS.OrientationV = cstFvpNull
Exit Function
End If
' If the AnchorRange is not within the visible range of the activewindow,
' then force the form to be displayed as AppCenter.
If Application.Intersect(AnchorRange, ActiveWindow.VisibleRange) Is Nothing Then
HorizOrientation = cstFhpAppCenter
VertOrientation = cstFvpAppCenter
End If
' If there are no windows visible, force AppCenter.
For Each Win In Application.Windows
If Win.Visible = True Then
HasVisibleWindow = True
Exit For
End If
Next Win

If HasVisibleWindow = False Then
HorizOrientation = cstFhpAppCenter
VertOrientation = cstFvpAppCenter
End If
' get our object coordinates.
With Application
PS.AppTop = .Top
PS.AppLeft = .Left
PS.AppWidth = .Width
PS.AppHeight = .Height
End With

With Application.ActiveWindow
PS.WinTop = .Top
PS.WinLeft = .Left
PS.WinWidth = .Width
PS.WinHeight = .Height
With .VisibleRange.Cells(1, 1)
PS.Cell1Top = .Top
PS.Cell1Left = .Left
PS.Cell1Height = .Height
PS.Cell1Width = .Width
End With
With .VisibleRange
PS.LastCellTop = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Top
PS.LastCellLeft = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Left
PS.LastCellWidth = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Width
PS.LastCellHeight = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Height
End With
End With
With AnchorRange
PS.RngTop = .Top
PS.RngLeft = .Left
PS.RngWidth = .Width
PS.RngHeight = .Height
End With

PS.FrmHeight = WhatForm.Height
PS.FrmWidth = WhatForm.Width
' we'll assume that the application's caption bar and the formula
' bar are the same height as the menu bar. If we can't figure that out, use 26 as a default.
If Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Visible = True Then
DefaultCmdBarHeight = Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Height
DefaultCmdBarHeight = cDefaultCmdBarHeight
End If
' We have to have a compenstating factor for command bars. Load an array
' with the heights of visible command bars. The index into the array is
' the RowIndex of the command bar, so we won't "double dip" if two or more
' command bars occupy the same row.
For Each CmdBar In Application.CommandBars
With CmdBar
If (.Visible = True) And (.Position = msoBarTop) Or (.Position = msoBarMenuBar) Then
If .RowIndex > 0 Then
VCmdArr(.RowIndex) = .Height
End If
End If
If (.Visible = True) And (.Position = msoBarLeft) Then
If .RowIndex > 0 Then
HCmdArr(.RowIndex) = .Width
End If
End If
End With
Next CmdBar
' Now, add up the values in the array so that we can
' get the compensation neeed for toolbars on the
' top and left side of the screen.
For Ndx = LBound(VCmdArr) To UBound(VCmdArr)
PS.VComp = PS.VComp + VCmdArr(Ndx)
Next Ndx

For Ndx = LBound(HCmdArr) To UBound(HCmdArr)
PS.HComp = PS.HComp + HCmdArr(Ndx)
Next Ndx

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '
If Application.DisplayFullScreen = True Then
PS.VComp = DefaultCmdBarHeight
' compensate for the rown and column headers
If ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True Then
PS.VComp = PS.VComp + ColHeaderHeight
PS.VComp = PS.VComp - (0.666667 * ColHeaderHeight)
End If

' no formula bar compensation is required since the
' formula bar is not displayed in full-screen mode.

' compensate for the rown and column headers
If ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True Then
PS.VComp = PS.VComp + ColHeaderHeight
PS.VComp = PS.VComp - (0.666667 * ColHeaderHeight)
End If
' compenstate for formula bar
If Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True Then
PS.VComp = PS.VComp + DefaultCmdBarHeight
PS.VComp = PS.VComp + (ColHeaderHeight * 1.5)
End If
End If
Lần chỉnh sửa cuối:
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Vị trí của Form - Phần III

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '
If Application.DisplayFullScreen = True Then
PS.HComp = 0
' do nothing -- HComp is already correct.
End If
' compensate for the row and column headers
If ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True Then
PS.HComp = PS.HComp + RowHeaderWidth
PS.HComp = PS.HComp
End If

' Now, adjust for the window
Select Case Application.ActiveWindow.WindowState

Case xlMaximized
' in the case of a maximized window, the action Window.Top
' and Window.Left properties will be negative. Here,
' we want 0. as the basis for the window.
PS.WinTop = 0
PS.WinLeft = 0

Case xlMinimized
' In a minimized window, display in the center of
' applicaiton. Force the form to the center of the
' application.
HorizOrientation = cstFhpAppCenter
VertOrientation = cstFvpAppCenter

Case xlNormal
PS.WinTop = Abs(ActiveWindow.Top) + DefaultWindowFrameHeight
PS.WinLeft = Abs(ActiveWindow.Left) + DefaultWindowFrameWidth

Case Else
' shouldn't happen
End Select

' Calculate our BaseLeft and BaseRight values.
' We'll use these as the base relative to which
' the form will actually be positioned.
' BaseLeft = LEFT edge of cell
' BaseTop= TOP edge of cell
PS.BaseLeft = PS.AppLeft + PS.WinLeft + PS.HComp + (PS.RngLeft - PS.Cell1Left) + PS.NudgeRight
PS.BaseTop = PS.AppTop + PS.WinTop + PS.VComp + (PS.RngTop - PS.Cell1Top) + PS.NudgeDown

Select Case HorizOrientation

Case cstFhpNull
PS.FrmLeft = 0

Case cstFhpAuto
OptimizeH PS

Case cstFhpFormLeftCellLeft
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + cLeftBump

Case cstFhpFormLeftCellRight
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + PS.RngWidth

Case cstFhpFormLeftCellCenter
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + (PS.RngWidth / 2)

Case cstFhpFormRightCellLeft
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft - PS.FrmWidth

Case cstFhpFormRightCellRight
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + PS.RngWidth

Case cstFhpFormRightCellCenter
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + (PS.RngWidth / 2) - PS.FrmWidth

Case cstFhpFormCenterCellLeft
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft - (PS.FrmWidth / 2)

Case cstFhpFormCenterCellRight
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + PS.RngWidth - (PS.FrmWidth / 2)

Case cstFhpFormCenterCellCenter
PS.FrmLeft = PS.BaseLeft + (PS.RngWidth / 2) - (PS.FrmWidth / 2)

Case cstFhpAppCenter ' same as Case Else
PS.FrmLeft = PS.AppLeft + (PS.AppWidth / 2) - (PS.FrmWidth / 2)

Case Else ' same as Case cstFhpAppCenter
PS.FrmLeft = PS.AppLeft + (PS.AppWidth / 2) - (PS.FrmWidth / 2)

End Select

Select Case VertOrientation

Case cstFvpNull
PS.FrmTop = 0

Case cstFvpAuto
OptimizeV PS

Case cstFvpFormTopCellTop
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop

Case cstFvpFormTopCellBottom
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop + PS.RngHeight

Case cstFvpFormTopCellCenter
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop + (PS.RngHeight / 2)

Case cstFvpFormBottomCellTop
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop - PS.FrmHeight

Case cstFvpFormBottomCellBottom
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop + PS.RngHeight - PS.FrmHeight

Case cstFvpFormBottomCellCenter
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop - PS.FrmHeight + (PS.RngHeight / 2)

Case cstFvpFormCenterCellTop
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop - (PS.FrmHeight / 2)

Case cstFvpFormCenterCellBottom
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop + PS.RngHeight - (PS.FrmHeight / 2)

Case cstFvpFormCenterCellCenter
PS.FrmTop = PS.BaseTop + (PS.RngHeight / 2) - (PS.FrmHeight / 2)

Case cstFvpAppCenter ' same as case else
PS.FrmTop = PS.AppTop + (PS.AppHeight / 2) - (PS.FrmHeight / 2)

Case Else ' same as cstFvpAppCenter
PS.FrmTop = PS.AppTop + (PS.AppHeight / 2) - (PS.FrmHeight / 2)

End Select

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' Finally, after all that, Move the form to the proper Left and Top
' coordinates.
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
WhatForm.Move PS.FrmLeft, PS.FrmTop
PositionForm = PS

End Function
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Vị trí của Form - Phần IV

Private Sub OptimizeH(P As Positions)

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''
' This procedure optimizes the horizontal position
' of the form. It MUST define SOME (even arbirary)
' horizontal position. First, we try to fit the
' form to the right of the cell. If this is unsuccessful,
' we try to fit the form on the left side of the cell.
' If this is unsuccessful, we try to fit the form centered
' to the cell. If this proves unsuccessful, we
' are stuck with centering the form within the
' application.
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''

Dim WinRight As Single
Dim WinLeft As Single

WinLeft = P.Cell1Left
WinRight = P.LastCellLeft + P.LastCellWidth

' The default horizontal position of the form is aligned on the
' right size of the range.

If P.RngLeft + P.RngWidth + P.FrmWidth < WinRight Then
P.FrmLeft = P.BaseLeft + P.RngWidth + cLeftBump
P.OrientationH = cstFhpFormLeftCellRight
Exit Sub
End If

' If we can't fit it on the right, try the left
If P.RngLeft - P.FrmWidth > WinLeft Then
P.FrmLeft = P.BaseLeft - P.FrmWidth
P.OrientationH = cstFhpFormRightCellLeft
Exit Sub
End If

' If we can't fit it on the left, try the center
If (P.RngLeft + (P.RngWidth / 2) + (P.FrmWidth / 2) <= WinRight) And _
(P.RngLeft + (P.RngWidth / 2) - (P.FrmWidth / 2) >= WinLeft) Then
P.FrmLeft = P.BaseLeft + (P.RngWidth / 2) - (P.FrmWidth / 2)
P.OrientationH = cstFhpFormCenterCellCenter
Exit Sub
End If

' If it won't fit on the in the center, we have to go with AppCenter.
P.FrmLeft = P.AppLeft + (P.AppWidth / 2) - (P.FrmWidth / 2)
P.OrientationH = cstFhpAppCenter

End Sub

Private Sub OptimizeV(P As Positions)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''
' This procedure optimizes the horizontal position
' of the form. It MUST define SOME (even arbirary)
' horizontal position.
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''

Dim WinTop As Single
Dim WinBottom As Single

WinBottom = P.LastCellTop + P.LastCellHeight
WinTop = P.Cell1Top

' The default position is top aligned. See if we have room
' below.
If P.RngTop + P.FrmHeight <= WinBottom Then
P.FrmTop = P.BaseTop
P.OrientationV = cstFvpFormTopCellTop
Exit Sub
End If

' If there is no room below, See if we have room above.
If P.RngTop - P.FrmHeight >= WinTop Then
P.FrmTop = P.BaseTop - P.FrmHeight
P.OrientationV = cstFvpFormTopCellTop
Exit Sub
End If

' If there is no room above, try the center
If (P.RngTop + (P.RngHeight / 2) - (P.FrmHeight / 2) >= WinTop) And _
(P.RngTop + (P.RngHeight / 2) + (P.FrmHeight / 2) <= WinBottom) Then
P.FrmTop = P.BaseTop + P.RngTop + (P.RngHeight / 2)
P.OrientationV = cstFvpFormCenterCellCenter
Exit Sub
End If
' If we can't put it anywhere else, we have to go with AppCenter
P.FrmTop = P.AppTop + (P.AppHeight / 2) - (P.FrmHeight / 2)
P.OrientationV = cstFvpAppCenter
End Sub
Chú ý rằng, module trên chỉ có thể dùng với VBA UserForm. Nó không làm việc với VB Form.
Sau đó tạo một Form và đặt phương thức StartupPosition gía trị : 0-Manual (Điều này rất quan trọng)
Khai báo biến kiểu của vị trí
Dim Ps as Position
Sau đó gọi hàm PositionForm và truyền các tham số sau:
WhatForm: đối tượng UserForm
AnchorRange: ô có mối liên hệ với Form sẽ được thể hiện
NudgeRight: không bắt buộc, số points từ ô có mối liên hệ đến Form sẽ được thể hiện về phía phải. Điều này sẽ hữu ích khi ô có đường viền.
NudgeDown không bắt buộc, tương tự ở trên nhưng về phía dưới.
HorizOrientation không bắt buộc, là một trong những giá trị sau đây:
cstFhpNull = Bên trái của màn hình
cstFhpAppCenter = Tâm của màn hình
cstFhpAuto = Automatic (giá trị đề nghị và là giá trị mặc định)

cstFhpFormLeftCellLeft = Góc bên trái của form tại góc trái của ô
cstFhpFormLeftCellRight = Góc trái của form tại góc phải của ô
cstFhpFormLeftCellCenter = Góc trái của form tại tâm của ô

cstFhpFormRightCellLeft = Góc phải của form tại góc trái của ô
cstFhpFormRightCellRight = Góc phải của form tại góc phải của ô
cstFhpFormRightCellCenter = Góc phải của form tại tâm của ôl

cstFhpFormCenterCellLeft = Tâm của form tại góc trái của ô
cstFhpFormCenterCellRight = Tâm của form tại góc phải của ô
cstFhpFormCenterCellCenter = Tâm của form tại tâm của ô

VertOrientation không bắt buộc. Là một trong các gía trị sau:

cstFvpNull = Đỉnh của màn hình
cstFvpAppCenter = Tâm của màn hình
stFvpAuto = Automatic (giá trị đề nghị và là giá trị mặc định)

cstFvpFormTopCellTop = Vị trí đỉnh của form tại góc trên của ô
cstFvpFormTopCellBottom = Vị trí đỉnh của form tại góc dưới của ô
cstFvpFormTopCellCenter = Vị trí đỉnh của form tại tâm của ô

cstFvpFormBottomCellTop = Góc dưới của form tại góc trên của ô
cstFvpFormBottomCellBottom = Góc dưới của form tại góc dưới của ô
cstFvpFormBottomCellCenter = Góc dưới của form tại tâm của ô

cstFvpFormCenterCellTop = Tâm của form tại đỉnh của ô
cstFvpFormCenterCellBottom = Tâm của form tại góc dưới của ô
cstFvpFormCenterCellCenter = Tâm của form tại tâm của ô
Ví dụ:
PS = PositionForm (UserForm1,Range("C12"),0,0,cstFvpAuto,cstFhpAuto)
Sau đó vị trí của form sẽ dùng giá trị của biến PS
UserForm1.Top = PS.FrmTop
UserForm1.Left = PS.FrmLeft
Và công việc cuối cùng là hiện form bạn muốn:
Tổng hợp các đọan code trên như sau:
Dim PS As Positions
UserForm1.StartupPosition = 0
PS = PositionForm (UserForm1,ActiveCell,0,0,cstFvpAuto,cstFhpAuto)
UserForm1.Top = PS.FrmTop
UserForm1.Left = PS.FrmLeft
UserForm1.Show vbModal

Vâng, vậy nếu các bạn kết hợp điều này với Dataselector thì thật là tuyệt.
Chúc các bạn tìm được điều mình mong muốn.
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